CALL TO ACTION #1026: Donald “No Plan” Trump is Killing Americans (October 12, 2020)
22 Days
Until the Election is Over!
Just 3-9 Days Until Ballots Mailed!
Pamphlets are out — ballots coming soon!
Are YOU ready? Have you checked your registration? We urge you to vote early, use a ballot box if you can get to one, then track your ballot (more on tracking once the ballots are mailed).
Important Dates:
October 13 — TOMORROW! Last day to register; postmark or online by 11:59 pm
October 14-20 — THIS WEEK: Voter’s ballots mailed; find your ballot box
October 21: NEXT TUESDAY: Our recommended last day to mail your ballot
November 3: Ballots must be in a ballot box or with the county clerk by 8 pm
We invite you to watch and share this YouTube video by ORD2 Indivisible co-founder, Jessica Sage:
Our Endorsements
President: Joe Biden
U.S. Senate: Jeff Merkley
U.S. Congress CD2: Alex Spenser
Secretary of State: Shemia Fagan
State Treasurer: Tobias Read
State Attorney General: Ellen Rosenblum
State Senate District 2: Jerry Allen
State Senate District 28: Hugh Palcic
State House District 4: Mary Middleton
State House District 5: Pam Marsh
State House District 6: Alberto Enriquez
Jackson County Commissioner: Terrie Martin
***Today’s Call To Action***
Donald “No Plan” Trump
Killing Americans
Compare Biden’s pandemic plan to Trump’s. Trump’s pandemic plan . . . well, Trump doesn’t have a plan. What he has is a disconnected series of emotional twitches that regularly produce chaos (let states fight over supplies) or danger (try bleach).
More and more scientists are speaking out. America’s most prestigious medical journal, New England Journal of Medicine, called Trump’s approach “dangerously incompetent.” America’s preeminent public health authority, William Foege, called Trump’s response a “colossal failure.” British Medical Journal warned that Trump’s reelection is an “impending crisis.”
Trump continues to lie about C-19, dismissing masks and the virus’ danger. He simply makes up “good” news, trying to con himself into reelection. The news isn’t good. New cases are rising across America, soaring to 45,000 a day, an increase of 8% from two weeks ago.
Trump’s incompetence has left 214,000 Americans dead from C-19. Experts attribute tens of thousands of those deaths, “at the very least,” to Trump’s indifferent mismanagement. The economy is running on fumes. Millions are unemployed. Too many people are desperate for food and money for rent.
Biden’s evidence-based C-19 strategy has three components:
Follow the science/experts’ guidance;
Ensure that White House decisions are informed by public health officials;
Restore trust, transparency, common purpose, and accountability to our government.
Call Congress!
Vote Like Your Life Depends on it!
Vote BLUE Up & Down the Ballot!
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].
We are entering a period of massive political instability; we need our leaders to concentrate on a few key priorities:
- For the next weeks and months, I ask the Senator to keep a steady focus on ensuring every vote is counted, and warn that election results could be delayed;
- Block Barrett’s confirmation using every tool he has. If McConnell wants to change rules, force a vote;
- And bring attention to Barr’s treasonous interference in the election.
- Keep working for COVID relief.
We are with you, all the way.
Thank you.”
Portland: (503) 326-3386, DC: (202) 224-3753
Salem: (503) 362-8102, Eugene: (541) 465-6750
Medford: (541) 608-9102, Bend: (541) 318-1298
Pendleton: (541) 278-1129
Portland: (503) 326-7525, DC: (202) 224-5244
Salem: (503) 589-4555, Eugene: (541) 431-0229
Medford: (541) 858-5122, Bend: (541) 330-9142
La Grande: (541) 960-7691
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [town/city], Oregon [zip code].
I am calling because COVID-19 has created a profound economic crisis. Almost 13 million people are unemployed. Just over 12 million have lost their health care. About 40 million are facing eviction. Tell Greg to stop fiddling around and HELP these people! Tell him not to squander his final days in office.
Tell Greg to do the right thing for a change. Silence is complicity.
Thank you.”
DC (202) 225-6730, Medford: (541) 776-4646
Bend (541) 389-4408, La Grande (541) 624-2400
October 12, 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Ongoing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
#MyORHealth Support is available for Oregon’s “helpers”
Lines for Life has created a Virtual Wellness Room to offer support to helpers, mental health professionals, first responders, social workers and anyone considered an essential worker during the COVID-19 pandemic in Oregon. Each check-in call will have a facilitator to guide the conversation.
“We at Lines for Life want to thank you for all the work you do to keep our communities safe,” the organization said. “We are offering a place for helpers to exchange stories of hope and areas of need. We especially want to hear what things are coming up for you personally and explore how we can cheer one another on to continue the good work you are already doing. We ultimately want to create space to breathe out stress and breathe in hope.”
The meetings are held using Zoom conference calls from 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at this link: Please share this invite with anyone in your network of Oregon helpers.
ORD2 Indivisible Virtual General Meeting: State and Federal Candidate Forum
TODAY: October 12 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Letters to Voters Garden and Zoom Parties – Medford and Your Home
October 13 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Letters to Voters – The Big Send – Medford
October 17 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Ongoing Action: ORD2 Indivisible Virtual Postcard and Letter Writing Parties
Postcards to Voters:
Our postcard team is temporarily suspending the delivery of postcards to your door. However, the good news is that you will find everything you need to continue writing from home (including templates to print your own or purchase pre-printed cards) here:
You can sign up through
To avoid unnecessary trips to the post office, order stamps directly from the USPS:
…and voila, you’re ready to go! Send an e-mail to with any questions.
Letters to Voters:
We encourage our team of volunteers to sign up with Swing Left to start writing letters to voters in 12 swing states. It is super easy to join. Check out their website, sign up, and let’s start writing!
Send an e-mail to if you would like more information about how to get involved.
Virtual Letter-writing Parties:
We encourage you to join virtual letter-writing parties hosted by Oregon Indivisible / Swing Left. The parties are held at noon every Saturday and on the last Tuesday of every month. Here are the links for the next two parties:
**Visit the ORD2 Indivisible Event Calendar on a regular basis to keep updated on local activities. Participate with us as often as you can. We also encourage you to submit events to be added to the ORD2 Indivisible Event Calendar and help us keep current with our event postings.
Dying in a Leadership Vacuum | NEJM
Study Finds ‘Single Largest Driver’ of Coronavirus Misinformation: Trump – The New York Times
Political interference in public health science during covid-19 | The BMJ
More Than 700 Lawyers Warn of Bill Barr’s Election Meddling | Law & Crime
White House hosted Covid ‘superspreader’ event, says Dr Fauci – BBC News
Abraar Karan: Politics and public health in America—taking a stand for what is right – The BMJ
COVID Timeline | Joe Biden for President: Official Campaign Website
How Biden’s coronavirus plan compares to Trump’s actions: cheat sheet – Business Insider