Call to Action: July 18, 2018 ***Vigil Tonight 6PM Ashland Plaza***
***Vigil Tonight 6PM Ashland Plaza***
Please join us on the Ashland Plaza and along the sidewalk on Main Street near the Plaza. Bring signs, friends and neighbors.
STAND Up for Democracy against Putin’s attack on the USA with Trump and GOP complicity
Support Special Counsel’s investigation and conclusions
Ashland Plaza, 6-7 PM, Wednesday July 18
Non-violent, peaceful vigil
Organized by Joyce Wood () Not an ORD2 Indivisible Event
The integrity of our elections is threatened from without and within.
Despite Trump’s disingenuous denials, we know that Russian government hackers have probed state election systems at will. Federal officials have warned that future Russian cyberattacks will be far worse. We are unprepared. Electronic election systems and voting machines can never be fully secured. Many states still lack any paper trail for ballots or voter registration.
Bolstered by the GOP, many states now feel free to suppress the vote using measures targeting people of color, students, and the poor.
There is important legislation stagnating in Congress:
- The Secure Elections and Election Security Acts address cybersecurity.
- The Protecting American Votes And Elections Act requires paper ballots and audits.
- The Save Voters and Securing America’s Future Elections Acts protect against voter purges.
There are important Congressional hearings and votes coming:
- Brett Kavanaugh, who as a Federal Judge upheld voter suppression laws.
- Donald J. Palmer, nominated to the Election Assistance Commission, has pushed for racist voter suppression laws and registration purges.
Our MOC’s must call on their colleagues to prove that they stand by America by standing by our elections. Pass these bills. Stop these nominees.
Safeguard Our Elections!
It has become clear that we need a different Congress to protect the integrity of our elections.
- Make sure you and everyone you know is registered to vote.
- Join ORD2 and Indivisible Oregon in working to defeat the Trump-aligned US Congressman in Oregon who architected the ACA repeal, Greg Walden, by volunteering to engage voters in Eastern Oregon.
- Make sure every candidate for Congress is answering questions about how they will work to protect our elections, our right to vote and the Supreme Court.
2018 is the most important election in our lifetimes.