Call to Action: July 19, 2018
“Es como el corazon ya no esta en el cuerpo.”
“It’s like the heart is no longer in your body.”
–An immigrant mother separated from her child.
This Administration is holding refugee children hostage to stop immigration. The treatment amounts in some cases to torture. We must ask if Trump’s GOP—including Greg Walden—and the people working at the detention centers still have hearts in THEIR bodies.
While a federal judge has ordered reunifications, DHS is resisting his orders:
- Nearly 3,000 children 5 and older must be reunited by July 26.
- The judge blasted DHS for slow-walking reunifications.
- DHS separated at least one father and toddler daughter six days after the court order, and as of July 13 had not reunited them.
While Republican leadership is allowing a few new protections to pass, a House committee also voted to repeal a court order protecting them from indefinite detention.
Today, call our MoCs, talk to our friends in red states, and keep up the pressure on this Congress.
Between now and election day, work for a Congress that shares our values and will protect refugee families.
- Donate to progressive candidates.
- Phone bank, canvass, and write postcards for progressive candidates.
- Here at home, defeat state ballot initiative IP22 to repeal Oregon’s sanctuary law.
Immigrant Rights are Human Rights!
It has become clear that we need a different Congress to protect human rights.
- Make sure you and everyone you know is registered to vote.
- Join ORD2 and Indivisible Oregon in working to defeat the Trump-aligned US Congressman in Oregon who architected the ACA repeal, Greg Walden, by volunteering to engage voters in Eastern Oregon.
- Make sure every candidate for Congress is answering questions about how they will work to protect human rights.
2018 is the most important election in our lifetimes.