Call to Action: February 7, 2018



Trump is transforming the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) service into a massive “deportation force.” Fueled by Trump’s rhetoric and an executive order, ICE is deporting not just “bad hombres” but “…all [so-called] removable aliens.” It is tearing apart upstanding, productive families and its aggressive tactics are being criticized as abuse of its authority.

This cruelty must stop!

ICE has arrested parents dropping kids at school, health care workers and military veterans. Agents have targeted employers through raids on 7-Eleven stores and stepped up sweeps in sanctuary cities to spread fear among undocumented populations. ICE even arrested a woman in a Texas courthouse seeking protection from a domestic abuser. Unabashed, ICE acting director Thomas Homan says: “If you’re in this country illegally, we’re looking for you.” ICE tactics underscore the Trump Administration’s complete lack of humanity. And Greg Walden is #WaldenComplict. 

The allegations of abuse leveled against ICE include:

• Racial profiling
• Entering homes without warrants
• Creating barriers to legal counsel
• Allowing inhumane conditions in jails
• Denying due process
• Targeting immigration activists

In response to concerns raised by immigrant rights groups and complaints to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) Hotline about conditions for detainees held in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody, unannounced inspections of five detention facilities to evaluate their compliance with ICE detention standards was conducted. Here is a link to their “Concerns About ICE Detainee Treatment and Care at Detention Facility” memorandum:

On Monday, the White House suggested that people without criminal records should not be a deportation priority. But ICE’s Holman recently said: “I’ll never back down.” Congress must hold ICE accountable for its abuses . . .

Limit ICE’s Power to Abuse!

Where’s Walden’s Conscience!?!

**ACTION 1: Call Congressman Walden and our Senators **
(Leave a message if you can’t get through.)

“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent AND VOTER from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am OUTRAGED that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency is overstepping its authority and violating the rights of law-abiding residents. Its actions are ripping apart families and creating dangers to public safety as undocumented aliens are afraid to work with local authorities. Reports of unacceptably abusive practices underscore the Trump Administration’s inhumanity. Please hold ICE accountable and set limits on its powers. Thank you.”


Share this post with friends and family. Help them leave messages for their Members of Congress to hold ICE accountable and set limits on its powers.

#RepealReplace GREG WALDEN 
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