Call to Action #2: Thursday, March 2, 2017

The U.S. Senate on Wednesday voted to confirm Representative Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.) to head the Department of the Interior. The 68-31 vote included yeas from 16 Democrats and one Independent, Sen. Angus King of Maine. We are sad to report that our Senator, Ron Wyden, was one of the 15 Democrats supporting Trump’s agenda to appoint cabinet members whose records conflict with the historical purposes of the departments they will lead.

With a political career backed by the oil and gas industry, Zinke’s views on climate science, an extraction-friendly voting record, and his stance regarding fossil fuel drilling on federal lands have all riled climate and environment groups who say he’s not fit to oversee the nation’s lands and natural resources and enforce the Endangered Species Act.

As a one-term Congressman, Zinke worked to boost mining, including supporting an effort to end a coal leasing moratorium on federal lands, where 40 percent of U.S. coal is mined, mostly in Wyoming and Montana, his home state. During his two years in Congress, Zinke earned just a 3 percent rating from the League of Conservation Voters and voted against protections for endangered species 100 percent of the time.

We need to politely—but firmly—let Senator Wyden know that we are extremely disappointed! On this particular vote, he chose Trump’s agenda over supporting ORD2 and all the other Indivisible groups in Oregon.

Source: Common Dreams


Sample script
“My name is [–] and I’m a voting constituent from [city], Oregon, zip code [—]. I am calling today to express my extreme disappointment with Senator Wyden’s yes vote yesterday to confirm Ryan Zinke to head the Department of the Interior. Zinke’s support of coal mining, including his effort to end a coal leasing moratorium on federal lands, flies in the face of climate science, which Zinke apparently denies. To make matters worse, Zinke has been supported throughout his career by oil and gas interests, raising serious concerns about potential conflicts of interest. Please be sure Senator Wyden understands that I am very unhappy with his vote and expect him to stand firm against Trump’s agenda in the future. Thank you.

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