Call to Action: January 1, 2018



The challenges posed by 2017 exceeded our expectations. But so did our response to them. We can all be proud of what we’ve done to resist the Trump/GOP agenda — and equally important, to support policies benefiting all Americans. From our Resist Trump Tuesday events, to daily phone calls, to Town Halls, to postcards – we have pushed our Members of Congress to fight for all of us, especially the most vulnerable. We have challenged them to support progressive issues. We have made a difference.

We are for justice: Economic justice. Social justice. Racial justice. Women’s rights justice. Healthcare justice. For all.

We are entitled to be treated fairly and with dignity and respect – in the workplace, in the justice system, and in the immigration system. We are entitled to access to the ballot box and to have our votes count equally. We are entitled to a decent education grounded in evidence-based learning. We are entitled to the ability to live in a physical environment that is safe and healthy.

2018 is the year that we resolve to make these aspirations a reality – by working with our Members of Congress and at the voting booth.

Happy New Year, Oregon District 2 Indivisibles!


Please join us in making the following 2018 resolutions:

Recommit to pressuring our Members of Congress through phone calls, office visits and town halls

Commit to participating in the 2018 elections — starting with registering to vote and helping everyone we know to do the same