Oregon Legislation CALL TO ACTION: Support Oregon SB1530 to Combat Climate Change; There is No Planet B! (February 9, 2020)

The Oregon State Legislature is now one week into its biennial “short session,” scheduled to end Sunday, March 8th. Today and for the next three Sundays we will be publishing a Call to Action (CTA) focused on bills that we think our progressive Indivisibles will find important.

Please join our advocacy effort by calling and otherwise contacting your house representatives and senators in Salem. ORD2 Indivisible’s mission includes working for progressive change at every level of government. What happens in Salem effects every Oregonian.

Our voices are especially important this week since opposition to SB 1530 is coming from Republican legislators. We need Republicans to stay in Salem to DO THEIR JOBS so that the legislature can pass a climate bill that will safeguard the futures of all Oregonians.

Let’s make a difference! 

SUPPORT Oregon SB 1530 to Combat Climate Change.

There is No Planet B!

Last year, Oregon’s climate bill designed to bring down the emission of greenhouse gasses and prevent climate catastrophe by creating a cap and trade market for CO2 emissions was derailed by the last-minute GOP senator walkout. The legislature is considering a new bill during the current “short session.” SB 1530 includes a cap and trade market as well as additional measures to reduce the bill’s economic impact on Oregon’s rural areas.

We have all seen the effects of climate change – more frequent and severe wildfires, stressed forests, shrinking snow packs and mountain glaciers, the recent severe flooding in NE Oregon.

Time is of the Essence!

Please Join the Battle to Combat Climate Change!

We have ONE MONTH to get this bill passed!



Call/email/test/visit your state representative and senator; tell him/her that you support SB 1530 and urge him/her to support it.

Click here to find who represents you.

If your state senator is a Republican, tell him/her that you expect all of the senators to stay in Salem and DO THEIR JOBS! No more boycotts!! We need climate legislation to be passed this session and we can’t have other needed bills held hostage by another GOP walkout.


Round up your friends and go to Renew Oregon’s Climate Emergency Lobby Day on Tuesday, February 11 at noon in Salem. You can register here: https://www.reneworegon.org/climate_emergency_day_of_action_2020 We need masses of people to come to counter the large demonstration against the bill sponsored last week by Timber Unity.


You can also attend the work session on SB 1530 at 3 p.m. on Tuesday in Hearing Room C. and submit written testimony beforehand. Here are some suggestions about what your testimony could include:

  1. Compose a message along the lines of “I support a strong cap and invest policy” or “I support SB 1530” or “I support strong climate legislation for Oregon’s future” or “I support the strongest possible climate bill that is both effective and just. Assure that a significant share of the Investment Grants reach Oregonians who live in the most negatively impacted communities so they can address the effects of climate change.”
  2.  “I am a (parent, grandparent, high school student, rural Oregonian, small business owner…) and I am terrified of the climate crisis, etc.”
  3. Sign with your name and location
  4. Send to
  5. Engage your networks – send to friends, family, coworkers.


Write a letter to the editor supporting SB 1530.

Check out the listings for hearings, rallies, lobby days, etc. included in the Legislative Calendar on the OneSmallThing PDX (website. https://www.onesmallthingpdx.org/oregon-state-legislative-calendar )

The Calendar is updated frequently as new events are scheduled.

You can also find out more information about SB 1530 here: https://www.onesmallthingpdx.org/climate-legislation-background

ORD2 Indivisible 2020 Fundraising Campaign

As we approach what will be the most important election of our lifetimes, ORD2 Indivisible wants to be in a secure financial position to help engage as many voters in our district in the election process as possible. To accomplish this goal we are conducting the ORD2 Indivisible 2020 fundraising campaign. Click on the image below to donate.



To make a donation by check, please make the check payable to ORD2 Indivisible and mail to:
ORD2 Indivisible
P.O. Box 1242, Phoenix, OR 97535

ORD2 Indivisible is partnering with Jobs With Justice Southern Oregon and Washington Federal Bank to gather warm adult clothing for the homeless. We are also asking for tarps, throw blankets and sleeping bags.

Please donate generously!