Call to Action: May 7, 2018


Healthcare is a human right, needed for each person to reach their potential.

Democrats have 5 proposals to expand Medicare/Medicaid while Trump and his GOP are systematically taking away our healthcare.

The incomplete lists of attacks on our healthcare:

  • repeated ACA repeal attempts
  • sabotaging the ACA market place
  • revoking cost sharing reduction payments
  • proposed budgets with Medicare/Medicaid cuts
  • repealing the individual mandate
  • work requirements for Medicaid
  • adoption of junk insurance

These constant attacks affect people’s lives – and will cost lives.

  • since 2016 the insurance rate among working adults has increased to 15.5% = 4 MILLION people losing their coverage
  • in Virginia, premiums are increasing by as much as 64%

The harmful consequences were foretold by the CBO and known by all, but . . .


Former HHS Secretary Tom Price recently stated the repeal of the individual mandate will “drive up the cost for other folks within that market.”

Another ACA repeal, fully supported by the White House, is set to be released this month.

The ultimate solution to the end of attacks on our healthcare is to vote in a new Congress.  Until then our MoCs must protect our healthcare and our lives.

**ACTION 1: Call our Senators**

SAMPLE SCRIPT for Senators Merkley and Wyden:

“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent and voter from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am very worried about a new ACA repeal coming this month and all the reports of health insurance losses due to this administration sabotaging the ACA. Healthcare is a human right needed for reaching one’s full potential.  I ask the Senator to please keep working to protect the ACA, Medicare and Medicaid while expanding healthcare for all. Thank you.”

**ACTION 2: Call Complicit Greg Walden**

 SAMPLE SCRIPT for Industry Lobbyist Greg Walden:

“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent and voter from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am outraged by the new ACA repeal coming this month and all the reports of health insurance losses due to this administration sabotaging the ACA. I remember Greg Walden’s role in repealing the ACA and individual mandate.  Please remind him he needs to work for his constituents to protect the ACA, Medicare and Medicaid while expanding healthcare for all. Thank you.”


**ACTION 3: It’s Time To Get Out The Vote**

It has become clear that we need a different Congress to secure Healthcare For All! 

That means replacing Greg Walden with someone who will put

People Before Party!

VOTE in the Primary for the progressive candidates of your choice. Be sure you and all of your progressive friends return their ballots by May 15people who vote in the primary are EIGHT TIMES more likely to vote in the general election!

Don’t forget to VOTE the ENTIRE BALLOT! In Jackson County, we have two progressive women running for County Commissioner—Lanita Witt and Amy Thuren. Let’s get progressive voices into ALL LEVELS of Government!

Help us Get Out the Vote—GOTV!

If you are not already working with the Neighborhood Leader Program to GOTV, sign up by visiting:

It really is that simple. And guess what? By doing that simple thing you will help increase voter turnout significantly. In the Oregon January 2018 Measure 101 Election progressive voter turnout was increased by 34 points! That’s how elections are won!

If you are already participating, recruit five of your friends to join the program!

The 2018 elections will be the most important of our lives!

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