Tuesday Rally – May 9, 2017
MAY 9, 2017
Who: Oregon District 2 Indivisible
What: ORD 2 Rally and Die-In
When: Tuesday, May 9, 2017 Beginning at Noon
Where: 10 S. Oakdale, Medford
After two embarrassing failed attempts, Republicans finally managed to pass an Affordable Care Act (ACA) repeal bill in the House by a vote of 217 – 213. The bill is a parade of horrors. It harms the poor, children, women and families, persons with disabilities, and even people with employer-provided coverage.
Greg Walden spearheaded and voted for TrumpCare at our expense. As his constituents, it is critical that we hold him accountable for every one of the terrible provisions in the bill. He voted to:
1. Take away health care from 24 million Americans.
2. Hike deductibles by $1,500 on average.
3. End federal protections for people with pre-existing conditions – something he specifically promised he would not do.
4. Allow insurance companies to charge older Americans significantly more for their health care.
5. Cut $880 billion from Medicaid.
6. Put lifetime and annual benefit caps back on the table for even those with employer coverage – something he specifically promised he would not do.
7. Make women pay more for health insurance than men.
8. Defund Planned Parenthood. He recently stated he has never visited a Planned Parenthood Clinic.
9. Harm children with special needs by cutting Special Education funds for schools.
The bill he helped draft and for which he voted does all of this in order to pay for $600 billion in tax breaks for the wealthy and for corporations.
Come join us on Tuesday, May 9 at noon. We will meet at 10 S. Oakdale in Medford to express our outrage that someone who “represents” us would support such an outrageous bill. Following our gathering we will conduct a die-in, a form of nonviolent direct action protest where we publicly pretend to die to highlight the deadly problems contained within this proposed legislation.
We encourage you to bring your signs, photographs, messages and passion as we send a clear message to Walden that his actions do not represent us or Oregon values.
Those interested in carpooling from Ashland, please meet at the mailboxes by Shop ‘n Kart, 2268 Ashland at 11:00 a.m.