

Who:               Oregon District 2 Indivisible
What:              Flash Rally – Save the ACA!
When:             Monday, September 25, 2017 Beginning at Noon
Where:            Vogel Plaza, Medford (Corner of East Main and Central)
Why:               WE ARE INDIVISIBLE!

Join us as we gather for a Flash Rally!  The theme of this rally is Save the ACA!

TrumpCare is back and Senate Republicans are as close as they’ve ever been to passing it. This is TrumpCare’s last stand.

The Graham-Cassidy-Heller Amendment is poised to pass the Senate next week.  We cannot take this threat seriously enough. With their backs against the wall, those who have devoted years to attacking the Affordable Care Act will do everything they can to get this through. And Republicans are very, very close to having the 50 votes they need to pass it.

Join us on Monday at Vogel Plaza where we will conduct a PHONE RELAY.  We will be making calls from Greg Walden’s office to Senators in “flipable states” demanding that they VOTE NO ON GRAHAM-CASSIDY!

We’ll be making calls from Walden’s office because:

  • He shares key responsibility for initiating the repeal the ACA efforts
  • He has repeatedly abandoned his constituents on multiple issues such as the ACA
  • He needs to be held accountable for his actions and inactions
  • He and his staff need to continue to feel our presence

Bring your mobile phones, families, friends, flags, signs and messages!
Wear your ORD2 Indivisible T-shirts!

  • We must organize like never before!
  • Graham-Cassidy-Heller contains deep cuts to Medicaid.
  • Graham-Cassidy-Heller eliminates protections for people with pre-existing conditions.
  • Graham-Cassidy-Heller provides a giant tax break for those who don’t need it.
  • Graham-Cassidy-Heller attacks women’s health. 

Monday, September 25, 2017 at noon, Vogel Plaza, Medford

NOTE:  Those interested in carpooling from Ashland, please meet at the mailboxes by Shop n’ Kart, 2268 Ashland Street at 11:00 a.m.