Call To Action: Thursday, March 2, 2017
Earlier this week, Senator Cornyn (R-TX) introduced S. 446, a federal Concealed Carry Reciprocity (CCR) policy, which has dozens of GOP co-sponsors. A companion bill, HR 38, was also introduced in the House by Representative Hudson (R-NC-8).
Right now, each state decides who qualifies for a concealed carry permit, and if certain zones should be gun-free. The CCR policy put forth in the Senate and House steps all over states’ rights to set standards for who can get a gun, and how much training they need. It will make the weakest link the law of the land by redefining who can carry hidden, loaded guns anywhere in the U.S. by forcing states to recognize concealed carry permits from every other state, even those with significantly lower standards.
It also opens the door to allow concealed handguns in school zones and in federal lands that are open to the public – such as parks and recreation areas. And because there isn’t consensus among states, some states require more training to get a driver’s license than to get a gun. Think about who you want packing in your neighborhood school or at the campground next summer.
We need to protect Oregon’s right to decide who can carry a gun, and where concealed and loaded weapons can be carried. Senators Wyden and Merkley opposed a similar bill in 2013. ( Rep. Walden is an NRA darling.
We must urge our MOCs to vote against bills that further jeopardize Oregon communities’ safety, especially in schools.
Sample script
“My name is [–] and I’m a voting constituent from [city], Oregon, zip code [—]. I am calling to urge Senator [Wyden/Merkley] to speak publicly against the Concealed Carry Reciprocity policy introduced by Senator Cornyn and to vote against it when the time comes. It strips states of the right to set meaningful standards for concealed carry permits, and effectively lowers the bar to the weakest state. Has Senator [Wyden/Merkley] taken a position against this policy recently? Can you please confirm that Senator will vote “no” on this bill when it comes up for vote?”
Sample script
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon, zip code [—]. I am calling to urge Representative [—] NOT to cosponsor HR 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity bill. It strips states of the right to set meaningful standards for concealed carry permits, and effectively lowers the bar to the weakest state. It also opens the door to concealed weapons in schools and around children – potentially increasing the chance of grave harm. Has Representative [—] taken a position on HR 38? Can you please confirm that s/he will vote “no” on this bill when it comes up for vote?”
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