Crane Union High School
43277 Crane Venator Lane, Crane, OR, United States
Greg Walden announced he will hold his first town hall of 2020 in Harney County. “I’m looking forward to hearing from people in Harney County at this first town hall of the year. Town halls provide another opportunity to hear from Oregonians and deliver an update on the issues I’m working on back in Congress. […]
Everyone is invited to participate in Postcardia – Wallowa County postcard activism every Tuesday from 1:30-2:30 pm. Please send an email to for the location, which changes from time to time. Penny, the Resistance Cat
Rogue Community College, SOU Higher Education Center
101 South Bartlett Street, Medford, OR, United States
Join us for the first candidate forum of 2020! The 4 democratic candidates running to represent Oregon Congressional District 2 in the U.S. House of Representatives are all expected to attend and include Nick Heuertz, John Holm, Jack Howard and Alex Spenser. We hope you're as excited as we are that 2020 is finally here […]
Ashland United Church of Christ
717 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR, United States
CHASE THE WINTER BLUES AWAY in support of Laundry Love and Rogue Valley Dreamers DACA Legal Support Fund! Raising funds to support DACA Renewal Fees for Dreamers, and Laundry Love for Unhoused Neighbors. THE BLISTER SISTERS, Lynne Pethtel and Jeannie Marsh, have a passion for social justice and a belief in the power of […]
The Dance Space
280 East Hersey Street, #10, Ashland, OR, United States
Flash Mob Dance Rehearsals Continue! Join us in solidarity as we express ourselves through dance about the pervasive abuse of women and girls around the globe. The Flash Mob Dance, done by groups around the world, is part of the ONE BILLION RISING, the biggest mass action to end violence against women in human history. […]
Rogue Valley Unitarian Universalist Church
87 4th Street, Ashland, OR, United States
In advance of the 2020 legislative session, Representative Pam Marsh is hosting a community Town Hall on Saturday, February 1, 10:30 AM to Noon at the Unitarian Fellowship Hall in Ashland. She will share updates about the issues that will be front and center in this year's session, which begins on February 3, including climate […]
Medford Public Library
205 S Central Ave, Medford, OR, United States
Show Some Love for Mother Earth! Please join us on Saturday, February 1st from 2 - 5 p.m. at the Medford Library in the Adams Conference Room. Postage and cards will be provided. Just bring yourself, a friend and a few dollars to chip in to help cover costs. We'll be focusing on writing to […]
Creative Dance for Children
280 East Hersey Street #1, Ashland, United States
Flash Mob Dance Rehearsals! Join us in solidarity as we express ourselves through dance about the pervasive abuse of women and girls around the globe. The Flash Mob Dance, done by groups around the world, is part of the ONE BILLION RISING, the biggest mass action to end violence against women in human history. The […]
Vogel Plaza
15 S. Central, Medford, OR, United States
Trump’s enablers in Congress led by Mitch McConnell are about to acquit the lawless Donald John Trump. This was never a trial. It’s a cover-up. This week on Wednesday, February 5, 2020, hundreds of thousands of Americans will mobilize with a simple demand: REJECT THE COVER-UP! Together we'll demand: Accountability - Trump and the Senators […]
4 Daughters Irish Pub
126 W Main Street, Medford, OR, United States
The eighth planned Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate will be hosted by ABC News in partnership with WMUR-TV, ABC's local affiliate, and Apple News at St. Anselm College outside Manchester, New Hampshire. Join us at 4 Daughters Irish Pub, 126 W Main Street in Medford on Friday, February 7 to watch the debate.