223 Days
Until the November 3rd Election
On Friday Congress passed an emergency coronavirus response package. It’s a beginning but it has gaps that leave us all vulnerable. Monday and yesterday, we discussed issues that must be addressed in legislation currently working through Congress. In the meantime, Trump is floating his “hope” that the country will be “back in business” by April 14, putting peoples lives at risk. Where does Greg Walden stand on trading his constituents’ lives for stock owners’ gains?
TODAY, our focus is the urgency of Vote–by–Mail (VBM). The pandemic threatens to massively disrupt the 2020 presidential elections.
- Voters, especially the elderly, may choose to not crowd into polling places.
- Poll workers may be just as reluctant to expose themselves to the virus.
- A large number of polling places are likely to be relocated, especially those in nursing homes.
Past crises have not stopped elections. Americans voted even during wars. In a crisis, leadership must be legitimate and have a mandate from the voters.
Senators Ron Wyden and Amy Klobuchar have proposed the Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act which would:
- Expand VBM to all states.
- Allow for no-excuse absentee voting for anyone requesting an absentee ballot.
- Lengthen early voting perhaps by 20 days to reduce crowding.
It’s time for national VBM!
Fund VBM immediately!
Get states building VBM infrastructure!
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [town/city], Oregon [zip code]. I am calling today because . . .
The 2020 elections may be the most crucial for our democracy and, because of the pandemic, the most dangerous. Please thank Senator Wyden for his support and longstanding efforts to bring vote-by-mail nationwide. I also support his Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act. I ask that the bill allow mailed ballots for all voters, not just those who ask for them, and also that funding for vote-by-mail is in Congress’s pandemic response bill.
Thank you.”
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [town/city], Oregon [zip code]. I am calling today because . . .
The 2020 elections may be the most crucial for our democracy and, because of the pandemic, the most dangerous. Please thank Senator Merkley for supporting the Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act. I ask him to fight for mailed ballots for all voters, not just those who ask for them, and also that he ensures funding for vote-by-mail is in Congress’s pandemic response bill.
Thank you.”
Portland: (503) 326-3386, DC: (202) 224-3753
Salem: (503) 362-8102, Eugene: (541) 465-6750
Medford: (541) 608-9102, Bend: (541) 318-1298
Pendleton: (541) 278-1129
Portland: (503) 326-7525, DC: (202) 224-5244
Salem: (503) 589-4555, Eugene: (541) 431-0229
Medford: (541) 858-5122, Bend: (541) 330-9142
La Grande: (541) 960-7691
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [town/city], Oregon [zip code]. I am calling today because . . .
1) Please ask Greg Walden if he’s willing to enable Donald Trump’s reckless idea to get the country “back open for business” by April 14. We need a national lockdown, not a return to business as usual. Greg’s constituents’ lives are at stake. There is no acceptable “trade-off” between stock market gains and people dying. Tell Greg to renounce Trump’s pipe dream.
2) The 2020 elections may be the most crucial for our democracy and, because of the pandemic, the most dangerous. Tell Greg to support the Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act. I demand that he fight for mailed ballots for all voters, not just those who ask for them, and also that he ensures funding for vote-by-mail is in Congress’s pandemic response bill.
Thank you.”
DC (202) 225-6730, Medford: (541) 776-4646
Bend (541) 389-4408, La Grande (541) 624-2400
Organizing for the 2020 Election is going VIRTUAL!
- Find virtual events at http://swingleft.org/
- Host a virtual letter-writing party! Get started here: http://swingleft.org/p/virtual-letter-writing-party
- Call voters in Wisconsin about their April 7th election. Sign up for training and call info here. http://www.mobilize.us/swingleft/event/263614/
Stay tuned — more activities to come!
All ORD2 Indivisible sponsored events have been canceled in order to minimize public gatherings. We anticipate rescheduling several events in the near future and will provide updates in the daily Call to Action and on the ORD2 Indivisible website event calendar.
Visit the ORD2 Indivisible Event Calendar on a regular basis to keep updated on local activities. Participate with us as often as you can. We also encourage you to submit events to be added to the ORD2 Indivisible Event Calendar and help us keep current with our event postings. https://ord2indivisible.org/submit-your-event/
Let the Coronavirus NOT stop you from being an activist – keep your social distance and join our ORD2 Indivisible Virtual Postcard Party!

If you live in Medford, Jacksonville, Phoenix, Talent or Ashland, we’ll deliver to your doorstep a pack(s) with 25 stamped postcards and stickers to write for a campaign through https://postcardstovoters.org/
We ask you to leave a donation of $10 per packet to cover the cost of supplies and postage in an envelope by your front door. We’ll drop off a packet(s) with everything you need to write from home.
Simply join postcardstovoters.org online. Once you get your packet of cards from us, write your cards and mail them from home.
ORD2 Indivisible 2020 Fundraising Campaign
As we approach what will be the most important election of our lifetimes, ORD2 Indivisible wants to be in a secure financial position to help engage as many voters in our district in the election process as possible. To accomplish this goal we are conducting the ORD2 Indivisible 2020 fundraising campaign. Click on the image below to donate.
To make a donation by check, please make the check payable to ORD2 Indivisible and mail to:
ORD2 Indivisible
P.O. Box 1242, Phoenix, OR 97535
ORD2 Indivisible is partnering with Jobs With Justice Southern Oregon and Washington Federal Bank to gather warm adult clothing for the homeless. We are also asking for tarps, throw blankets and sleeping bags.
Please donate generously!
Washington Post, March 24, 2020: “The coronavirus’s threat to democracy itself” https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/03/24/coronaviruss-threat-democracy-itself/
New York Times, March 21, 2020: “The 2020 Election Won’t Look Like Any We’ve Seen Before” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/21/opinion/sunday/coronavirus-vote-mail.html
Vox, March 20, 2020: “How to make sure everyone can vote during the coronavirus pandemic” https://www.vox.com/2020/3/20/21185184/vote-by-mail-coronavirus-pandemic-elections
NPR, March 24, 2020: “As Coronavirus Delays Primary Season, States Weigh Expanding Absentee Voting” https://www.npr.org/2020/03/24/820232540/as-coronavirus-delays-primary-season-states-weigh-expanding-absentee-voting
New York Times, March 14, 2020: “Could the 2020 Election Be Postponed? Only With Great Difficulty. Here’s Why.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/14/us/politics/election-postponed-canceled.html
Brookings, March 23, 2020: “Voting in a time of national emergency” https://www.brookings.edu/blog/techtank/2020/03/23/voting-in-a-time-of-national-emergency/
Brennan Center for Justice: “How to Protect the 2020 Vote from the Coronavirus” https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/policy-solutions/how-protect-2020-vote-coronavirus
Sen. Ron Wyden, March 11, 2020: “Wyden Introduces Bill to Protect Voters and Elections Against COVID-19 Risks by Mandating Emergency Vote-By-Mail” https://www.wyden.senate.gov/news/press-releases/wyden-introduces-bill-to-protect-voters-and-elections-against-covid-19-risks-by-mandating-emergency-vote-by-mail
Vote at Home: “Vote At Home” https://www.voteathome.org/