The Senate is debating other attempts to repeal the ACA. Do not despair. We still have time to stop this. Keep calling!
The motion to proceed opened debate on the Senate floor—which the GOP is using for political theatre. Behind the scenes, McConnell is crafting the “real” Trumpcare bill—which, as of this writing, looks like a “skinny repeal”.
This “skinny repeal” gets rid of the individual and employer mandates and some ACA taxes, and defunds Planned Parenthood. With these changes, 16 million Americans would lose their health care, insurance premiums would go up by 20%, and the insurance market would collapse (,
The Dems are doing all they can to slow down this process. Senator Merkley is armed with hundreds of amendments with which to filibuster ( We supplied many of those amendments, but we need to do more . . .
We need to sway 3 GOP Senators to vote NO on the final Trumpcare bill. HOW?
By helping red state constituents tell their senators to vote NO on the final Trumpcare bill—whatever it is.
We have worked so hard in our blue state. Now is our chance to make a difference in red states.
Call constituents in Nevada and West Virginia, and ask them to call their senators to vote NO on TrumpCare! Use the Indivisible Guide’s new online tool. You will be calling fellow resisters—people who have attended marches and support progressive causes. All you need is your laptop or tablet and phone. Call on your own during a coffee break, or gather a group of friends in your living room for a calling party. (Wine and chocolate optional… just remind them to bring their own laptops and phones!)
Other Senators worth contacting since they voted ‘No” on the first GOP effort to repeal/replace the ACA (Obamacare):
Susan Collins, Maine (202) 224-2523
Tom Cotton, Ark. (202) 224-2353
Bob Corker, Tenn. (202) 224-3344
Lindsey Graham, S.C. (202) 224-5972
Dean Heller, Nev. (202) 224-6244
Mike Lee, Utah (202) 224-5444
Jerry Moran, Kan. (202) 224-6521
Rand Paul, Ky. (202) 224-4343
Additional Republicans voting Nay on the second try:
Lamar Alexander, Tenn. (202) 224-4944
John McCain, Az. (202) 224-2235
Shelley Moore Capito, Va (202) 224-6472
Rob Portman, Oh. (202) 224-3353
Additional Possible: Jeff Flake, Az. (202) 224-4521…