Vogel Plaza
15 S. Central, Medford, OR, United States
About This Event NOTE: We should all plan as though these events could be as early as the afternoon of Wednesday, November 4. If we mobilize, exact times and locations will be determined by local event leaders. You will receive a notification and a message from the organizer when the final dates & times are […]
Ashland Plaza
N Main Street, Ashland, OR, United States
About this event Our election will determine the next President on November 3rd, but depending on how close the tally is, we may not see the end result on that night. Of course, we're hoping for a #BlueWave that is inarguable, but regardless of what goes down on election night, we are ready to show […]
Please join us for our 2020 Year-End ORD2 Indivisible General Meeting via Zoom! We knew at the start that 2020 was going to be an unprecedented year, little did we imagine all that has transpired and what we have endured. Let's gather together to reflect and to prepare for another beginning, this one with an […]
January 18, Dr. Martin Luther King Day, at 2 PM is the premiere of a video documenting a local exploration of Dr. King's book, WHY WE CAN'T WAIT and its issues, followed by a live discussion with special guests and 1960s Civil Rights activists Dr. Geneva Craig and Dr. John L. Dolan. The video and discussion […]
Indivisibles, we did it -- we beat Donald Trump! We've been working toward this day for so long, and in some ways, it's hard to believe this moment has arrived. But it has! With more than 75 million votes -- the most in US history -- the people have chosen Joe Biden and Kamala Harris […]
AAUW of ASHLAND TO HOST VIRTUAL MEETING The American Association of University Women of Ashland will host an online meeting at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, Jan 23, on Zoom. New Ashland Mayor, Julie Akins, will present at the January monthly meeting hosted by the Public Policy team. Mayor Akins previously served on the Ashland City Council […]
The Town Hall will be through Zoom at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88949225222?pwd=M3lZeVREN3gzMCt5c1JJbnlKWFZEQT09&fbclid=IwAR3QYBPwc74sl6bTjcy99HOd3xY7RPMaguNa6s8kC8qGi1spei1Fa-zzw4U#successu3zCMz7wzS7VdveqecJ8jVHjHcygI41U
Let's have some fun! Please join our ORD2 Indivisible Writing team on Monday, February 8 to write Valentine postcards to our MOCs – Cliff Bentz, Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden. If you have access to a printer, feel free to download a template for postcards to Bentz: https://www.dasjadolan.com/Events/Political-events/Valentines-for-Bentz (click on the small arrow below the […]
Please join us on Monday, February 15 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. We plan to discuss possible actions to take place during the upcoming legislative recess, COIN team actions and plans, as well as other news around District 2 and the state of Oregon. We look forward to "seeing" you on the 15th! Join Zoom […]
Jackson County Town Hall with US Senator Ron Wyden Oregonians! Join US Senator Ron Wyden for a live virtual town hall on Saturday, February 20, 2021, at 2:30 PM. Here is the link to the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/883092525819705/ Live video participation in this town hall is limited to residents of Jackson County in Oregon. Time […]