169 Days

Until the November 3rd Election

Oregon Primary Election

Ballots are due TOMORROW, May 19, 8:00 p.m.

WAY too late to mail!

Find your closest ballot box location here.

 Please VOTE!

Track your ballot here.

Progressive activism means voting the ENTIRE ballot, including seemingly obscure local boards and commissions, and those pesky initiatives. 

Help the BLUE WAVE wash over every level of government!

***Today’s Call To Action***



Tomorrow is election day in Oregon! We’re so lucky we vote by mail and needn’t choose between exercising our right to vote and staying COVID-19 free—the Faustian choice required in Wisconsin. All Americans deserve the vote-by-mail option, favored by 2/3 nationwide.


Some red and blue states are expanding vote-by-mail options, but others are exploiting the pandemic to suppress votes. Liar in Chief Trump is spreading “untruths” about voting-by-mail and trying to bankrupt the Postal Service. He is also demanding USPS concessions before releasing the already approved $10 billion emergency loan and has forced out both the Board of Governor’s Vice-Chair and Deputy Postmaster General—a staunch vote-by-mail advocate—actions Congress must investigate. 

 The House-passed HEROES Act awaiting Senate action partially blunts these GOP efforts by authorizing: 

  • Universal vote-by-mail, expanded early voting, same-day registration, a ballot with no voter ID
  • $3.6 billion for states’ election infrastructure
  • $25 billion to make up for the USPS’s lost revenue and the purchase PPEs
  • “Hazard Pay” for postal employees
  • Removing the Treasury’s USPS loan borrowing restrictions

Congress must ensure that all Americans can safely participate in this critical election.

Protect the VOTE!

Secure the November Election!

Save American Democracy!



“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [town/city], Oregon [zip code].

I am calling again to demand that the Senate ensures citizens do not have to choose between voting and possible sickness or death this November. All of us, not just Oregonians, have the right to vote safely from our homes in this most consequential election, which requires a fully functioning postal system. I know that the Senator is committed to expanding Oregon’s system to every state, and I thank him for this. We must take action NOW. The Senate should take action immediately to:

  • Fully fund the USPS and voting by mail provisions of the HEROES Act
  • Require that the $10 billion loan be provided free of constraints
  • Authorize hazard pay for postal employees who daily risk their lives to deliver the mail
  • Investigate and prevent executive interference in USPS operations and the firing of the Deputy Postmaster General, a staunch advocate for vote-by-mail

Thank you.”


Portland: (503) 326-3386, DC: (202) 224-3753
Salem: (503) 362-8102, Eugene: (541) 465-6750
Medford: (541) 608-9102, Bend: (541) 318-1298
Pendleton: (541) 278-1129



Portland: (503) 326-7525, DC: (202) 224-5244
Salem: (503) 589-4555, Eugene: (541) 431-0229
Medford: (541) 858-5122, Bend: (541) 330-9142
La Grande: (541) 960-7691




“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [town/city], Oregon [zip code]. 

I am calling because rural Oregonians rely on the USPS for our mail, including our ballots. I am deeply disturbed that Greg Walden doesn’t care about saving the USPS.  His constituents deserve better. He might as well resign today if he is not going to work for us. 

Thank you.”


DC (202) 225-6730, Medford: (541) 776-4646
Bend (541) 389-4408, La Grande (541) 624-2400


Non-ORD2 Indivisible Sponsored Ongoing Event: Oregon Health Authority Coronavirus Update Zoom Conference Calls
TODAY: May 18, 12:30 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Ongoing every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
#MyORHealth  Support is available for Oregon’s “helpers”

Lines for Life has created a Virtual Wellness Room to offer support to helpers, mental health professionals, first responders, social workers and anyone considered an essential worker during the COVID-19 pandemic in Oregon. Each check-in call will have a facilitator to guide the conversation.

“We at Lines for Life want to thank you for all the work you do to keep our communities safe,” the organization said. “We are offering a place for helpers to exchange stories of hope and areas of need. We especially want to hear what things are coming up for you personally and explore how we can cheer one another on to continue the good work you are already doing. We ultimately want to create space to breathe out stress and breathe in hope.”

The meetings are held using Zoom conference calls from 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at this link: https://zoom.us/j/4848426773. Please share this invite with anyone in your network of Oregon helpers.

Virtual Election Watch Party!
May 19 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm

Non-ORD2 Indivisible Sponsored Event: Fire and Climate Summit Webinar Series: The First, Best Stewards: Aboriginal Fire and the Klamath Siskiyous
May 20 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Ongoing Action: ORD2 Indivisible Virtual Postcard and Letter Writing Parties

Postcards to Voters:

Our postcard team is temporarily suspending the delivery of postcards to your door. However, the good news is that you will find everything you need to continue writing from home (including templates to print your own or purchase pre-printed cards) here: https://postcardstovoters.org

You can sign up through https://postcardstovoters.org/volunteer/

To avoid unnecessary trips to the post office, order stamps directly from the USPS:

…and voila, you’re ready to go! Send an e-mail to with any questions.

Letters to Voters

We encourage our team of volunteers to sign up with Swing Left to start writing letters to voters in 12 swing states.  It is super easy to join. Check out their website, sign up, and let’s start writing! https://swingleft.org/

Send an e-mail to if you would like more information about how to get involved.

Virtual Letter-writing Parties

We encourage you to join virtual letter-writing parties hosted by Oregon Indivisible / Swing Left. The parties are held at noon every Saturday and on the last Tuesday of every month. Here are the links for the next two parties:


**Visit the ORD2 Indivisible Event Calendar on a regular basis to keep updated on local activities. Participate with us as often as you can. We also encourage you to submit events to be added to the ORD2 Indivisible Event Calendar and help us keep current with our event postings. https://ord2indivisible.org/submit-your-event/