Call to Action: March 26, 2018



There was much good news for progressives in the Omnibus Spending Bill that was passed last week. Most of the awful riders we asked you to call and stop were eliminated, including repeal of the Johnson Amendment (which would allow churches to engage in politics), most of the 80 anti-environmental riders, and defunding Planned Parenthood, family planning programs, and the Teen Pregnancy Project.

Democrats negotiated funding for many priorities, such as:
– Combating the opioid crisis
– The NEA, NEH, and CPB
– Improving the gun background check system
– A 10-fold increase in funding for rural broadband
– Increased funding for many social programs and for election security

They also ensured that the CDC would be allowed to study gun violence and that Trump got only $1.6 billion (not $25 billion) for a border fence (not wall).

But, the spending bill omitted key provisions to:
– Protect Dreamers
– Protect the Mueller investigation
– Ensure Puerto Rico gets the aid it was promised; 156,000 families and businesses still lack electricity 6 months after Hurricane Maria!

Let’s call to let our Members of Congress know that we care about . . .


Mueller Investigation!

Fellow Americans in Puerto Rico!

**ACTION 1: Call Complicit Greg Walden and our Senators**
(Leave a message if you can’t get through.)

SAMPLE SCRIPT FOR Complicit Greg Walden:
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent and voter from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am calling because even though the Omnibus Spending Bill includes funding for social programs and election security and eliminates many toxic Republican riders, it does not include several essential provisions. Congress still needs to protect Dreamers, the Mueller investigation and ensure that Puerto Rico gets the aid it was promised. Please remember that we will hold you and the Republican majority accountable if these priorities are not addressed! Thank you.”

SAMPLE SCRIPT for Senator Wyden:

“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent and voter from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am calling because I appreciate the Senator’s work in getting needed funding for social programs and election security and eliminating many toxic Republican riders in the Omnibus Spending Bill. I ask the Senator to continue to advocate for protection for Dreamers, the Mueller investigation and ensure that Puerto Rico gets the aid it was promised. Thank you.”

SAMPLE SCRIPT for Senator Merkley:
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent and voter from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am calling because I appreciate the Senator’s work in getting needed funding for social programs and election security and eliminating many toxic Republican riders in the Omnibus Spending Bill. I also respect the Senator’s willingness to vote against a bill that didn’t contain protection for Dreamers. I ask the Senator to continue to advocate for protection for Dreamers, the Mueller investigation and ensure that Puerto Rico gets the aid it was promised. Thank you.”

**ACTION 2: Share with Friends and Family**

Share this post with friends and family. Help them leave messages for their Members of Congress asking them to address the essential provisions that the Omnibus Spending Bill did not include: to protect Dreamers, the Mueller investigation and to ensure that Puerto Rico gets the aid it was promised. Thank you.

DC (202) 225-6730, Medford: (541) 776-4646,
Bend (541) 389-4408, La Grande (541) 624-2400

Portland: (503) 326-3386, DC: (202) 224-3753
Salem: (503) 362-8102, Eugene: (541) 465-6750
Medford: (541) 608-9102, Bend: (541) 318-1298
Pendleton: (541) 278-1129

Portland: (503) 326-7525, DC: (202) 224-5244
Salem: (503) 589-4555, Eugene: (541) 431-0229
Medford: (541) 858-5122, Bend: (541) 330-9142
La Grande: (541) 960-7691


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Here’s What Congress is Stuffing Into its $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill

In Late-night Drama Congress Passes $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill Averting Government Shutdown

REMINDER:  ORD2 Social Hour – Ashland – Tomorrow

Come gather with fellow activists as we raise a pint, grab a bite and join in some lively discussion all taking place at The Black Sheep from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. Take this opportunity to meet with members of the Steering Committee. We’ll discuss ideas and strategies, ask questions and make plans. We’d love to see you there!