

Who:               Oregon District 2 Indivisible
What:              Flash Rally – Walden’s In Town
When:             Monday, August 14, 2017 Beginning at Noon
Where:            Rogue Valley Country Club, 2660 Hillcrest Road, Medford
Why:               WE ARE INDIVISIBLE!

Join us as we gather for a Flash Rally!  The theme of this rally is JOBS!

Greg Walden’s “repeal and replace” bill — the American Health Care Act of 2017  — would have cost thousands of Oregonians their health care.  If the ACA is repealed, Oregon stands to lose 42,000 health care jobs (according to the Economic Policy Institute).

Bring your families, friends, signs and messages to let Walden* know:

  • We are organizing against him like never before
  • We want to turn Oregon District 2 blue
  • We, his ignored constituents, need someone to vote for us in Congress
  • We want the government to protect water rights and public lands
  • We want him to hold more town hall meetings throughout District 2 including in Jackson County
  • We want additional media attention on Walden to expose his destructive voting record
  • We are not and have never been paid organizers!

*He addressed each of these issues in a recent fundraising solicitation letter.

We are dedicated to taking action and to holding Walden accountable!

Monday, August 14, 2017 at noon, Rogue Valley Country Club (RVCC),  2660 Hillcrest Road, Medford

NOTE:  There is limited parking on Pierce Road near the RVCC.  Carpooling is strongly recommended! Those interested in carpooling from Ashland, please meet at the mailboxes by Shop n’ Kart, 2268 Ashland Street at 11:00 a.m.