***Oregon State Call to Action***
Common Sense Gun Safety for Oregon!
As we’ve been discussing in our weekly newsletters, the Oregon State Legislature is in session. ORD2 Indivisible, in cooperation with our state-wide Indivisible network (COIN), is tracking which of our core issues turn up in bills that we can begin supporting (or opposing, as appropriate) while they work their way through the legislative labyrinth.
We will have actions for you at all stages of the process — from supporting (or opposing) your or others’ representative’s or senator’s introduction of a bill, to moving it through the committee(s) in both houses, to lobbying for a floor vote one way or the other, and finally, to urging the Governor to either sign or veto the bill when it hits her desk. Welcome to our Oregon State Civics 101 class!
Now, let’s talk about common sense gun safety in Oregon. Here are four bills already introduced in our legislature that we believe represent reasonable approaches to reducing gun injuries and deaths in Oregon without challenging anyone’s legitimate 2nd Amendment rights.
- HB 2510: Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock, in locked container or in gun room except in specified circumstances.
- SB 396: Defines “undetectable firearm.” Punishes manufacturing, importing, offering for sale or transferring undetectable firearm (e.g., 3-D printed guns) by maximum of 10 years’ imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both.
- SB 554: Authorizes city, county, metropolitan service district, port operating commercial airport, school district, college or university to adopt ordinance or policy limiting or precluding affirmative defense for possession of firearms in public buildings by concealed handgun licensees
- HB 2543: Prohibits transfer of firearm by gun dealer or private party if Department of State Police is unable to determine whether recipient is qualified to receive firearm — closing the “Charleston Loophole”
(Note: HB = House Bill; SB = Senate Bill)
If any of these bills seem like reasonable, common sense gun safety regulation to you, please make your voice heard in Salem. You can be sure the “gun lobby” will be there in full force working to block any and all of our efforts to make Oregon a safer place when it comes to firearms.
**ACTION ONE: Call Your State Representative and Senator**
You can find their names and contact information here. Call both of them regardless of whether the bill currently carries the HB or SB designation. All bills must clear both chambers before they reach the finish line on Kate Brown’s desk.
“Hello, my name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], [zip code].
I’m calling today to let [Rep/Senator ________ ] know that I’m a strong advocate of common sense gun regulation in Oregon. Please let her/him know that I fully support HB2510, HB2543, SB396 and SB554. Each of these bills, if enacted, would make Oregon a safer place, reducing firearm related injuries and deaths WITHOUT infringing on anyone’s 2nd Amendment rights.
I’ll be following these bills as they work their way through the legislature, and will be watching how [Rep/Senator ________ ] votes.
Thank you.”
**ACTION TWO: Be an Activist**
Please consider signing up for the March 2 Moms Demand Action Day of Advocacy in support of this legislation here.