Representative Pam Marsh will meet with constituents at Valley View Winery, where her report of the 2019 legislative session will focus on issues impacting the Applegate and Southern Oregon, including wildfire, broadband, climate, wine, cannabis, education investments and health care. Wine will be for sale. Open to the public, all are welcome.
Representative Pam Marsh serves residents of southern Jackson County for a second term in the Oregon Legislature, House District 05, which spans from the Applegate to the Green Springs and includes Ruch, Jacksonville, Talent, Phoenix, Ashland and the southwest corner of Medford. She is currently a member of the Joint Committee on Carbon Reduction, the Joint Legislative Information Management and Technology Committee, the House Revenue Committee, the House Economic Development Committee and the Ways and Means Subcommittee on General Government, and is serving as an ex officio member of the Governor’s Council on Wildfire Response.