ORD2 Indivisible Virtual General Meeting – Your Home!

JOIN US FOR OUR FIRST VIRTUAL ORD2 INDIVISIBLE GENERAL MEETING! ORD2 Indivisible is dedicated to keeping in touch with people throughout our congressional district. Please plan to join us from the comfort and safety of your homes on Monday, April 13 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. for our Zoom meeting. You may pre-register or simply […]

Virtual Election Watch Party!

On Tuesday, May 19, ORD2 Indivisible will host a virtual Election Watch Party. The "polls" close at 8 p.m., but we'll tune in starting at 7:30 p.m. to start getting excited at our progressive candidates winning their primary. Join us from the comfort of your home! Here is the link to the Zoom event: https://indivisible.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvc-qoqjIjH9NYOyztKN9s4dd4v79YTi3w […]

ORD2 Indivisible Virtual General Meeting

At ORD2 Indivisible’s next General Meeting, Monday, June 8, at 6:30 p.m., we will host a panel discussion led by people of color who will talk about their experiences of racism here in the Valley and around the nation. We hope you’ll tune into this Zoom meeting. To pre-register and join the meeting on June […]

Letters to Voters Garden and Zoom Parties – Medford (And Your Homes)

We're taking our Letters to Voters campaign to another level. To date, our amazing group of dedicated ORD2 Indivisible volunteers has written a whopping 2,000 letters. As we kick into a higher gear before the November election, we are looking for more folks to join us. We're holding in-person GARDEN PARTIES for small groups in […]

ORD2 Indivisible Virtual General Meeting – Let’s Talk About CAHOOTS

Please join ORD2 Indivisible's monthly General Meeting on Monday, Aug. 10, from 6:30-8:00 p.m., on Zoom.  This month's meeting will be a panel discussion called "Let's Talk About CAHOOTS." CAHOOTS (Crisis Assistance Helping Out on the Streets) is a community-based public safety system that started at the White Bird Clinic in Eugene 31 years ago […]

Letters to Voters Zoom & Garden Parties

Our ORD2 Indivisible writing team joined the Letter Writing with Swing Left: https://swingleft.org/ By focusing on twelve "Super States", we can work on flipping the White House, the Senate, and the state houses key to rolling back Republican gerrymandering—all at the same time. We will be writing turnout letters for the general election and "banking" these letters […]

ORD2 Indivisible Election Night Zoom Watch Party

If it weren’t for a global pandemic, we’d have a restaurant booked and plan on seeing you in person on Election Night. But, we’re going to keep everyone safe, so we’ll have a Zoom party instead. We’ll be there from 7 p.m. on. We expect the first results - locally and nationally - after 8 […]

ORD2 Indivisible Year-End Zoom General Meeting

Please join us for our 2020 Year-End ORD2 Indivisible General Meeting via Zoom! We knew at the start that 2020 was going to be an unprecedented year, little did we imagine all that has transpired and what we have endured. Let's gather together to reflect and to prepare for another beginning, this one with an […]

ORD2 Indivisible General Meeting and CELEBRATION!!! – Zoom

Indivisibles, we did it -- we beat Donald Trump! We've been working toward this day for so long, and in some ways, it's hard to believe this moment has arrived. But it has! With more than 75 million votes -- the most in US history -- the people have chosen Joe Biden and Kamala Harris […]

Send a Valentine to our MOC’s – Virtual

Let's have some fun! Please join our ORD2 Indivisible Writing team on Monday, February 8 to write Valentine postcards to our MOCs – Cliff Bentz, Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden. If you have access to a printer, feel free to download a template for postcards to Bentz: https://www.dasjadolan.com/Events/Political-events/Valentines-for-Bentz (click on the small arrow below the […]