4 Daughters Irish Pub
126 W Main Street, Medford, OR, United States
The tenth planned Democratic Presidential Candidates Debate will be hosted by CBS News and the Congressional Black Caucus Institute in partnership with Twitter at the Gaillard Center in Charleston, South Carolina. Join us at 4 Daughters Irish Pub, 126 W Main Street in Medford on Tuesday, February 25 to watch the debate.
Anne Basker Auditorium
600 NW 6th Street, Grants Pass, OR, United States
Greg Walden announced he will hold a town hall in Josephine County on Saturday, February 29th. “I’m looking forward to hearing from people in Josephine County at my second town hall of the year and my 190th since 2012. Town halls provide another opportunity to hear from Oregonians and deliver an update on the issues […]
Jackson County Republican Office
311 E Main, Medford, OR, United States
Join Oregon citizens from all walks of life who are calling on Republican legislators to return to Salem and do the jobs they were elected to do! Everyone interested and willing to connect and peacefully protest the walkout by the Oregon State Senate and House Republicans is invited to gather at noon daily at both […]
Mountain Meadows Retirement Community Clubhouse
855 Mountain Meadows Drive, Ashland, OR, United States
It's time to get involved! Join Save Our Democracy Ashland and help Swing Left: Defeat Trump Take the Senate, and Hold the House! You can plug in at the Organizing Kick-Off on Saturday, March 7, 2-4 PM, Mt. Ashland Room, Mountain Meadows. RSVP at https://www.mobilize.us/swingleft/event/250653/.
Talent Community Center
104 East Main Street, Talent, OR, United States
ORD2 Indivisible will be offering De-escalation Training on Saturday, March 7 from 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. at the Talent Community Center, 206 East Main, Talent. De-escalation is aimed at calmly communicating with someone who is agitated in order to understand, manage and resolve their concerns. Ultimately, these actions should help reduce agitation and the potential […]
The Dance Space
280 East Hersey Street, #10, Ashland, OR, United States
Flash Mob Dance Rehearsals! Join us in solidarity as we express ourselves through dance about the pervasive abuse of women and girls around the globe. The Flash Mob Dance, done by groups around the world, is part of the ONE BILLION RISING, the biggest mass action to end violence against women in human history. The […]
Phoenix Library
510 West 1st Street, Phoenix, OR, United States
Plan to join us on Monday, March 9 for our ORD2 Indivisible General Meeting. This month our guest speaker will be Pam Marsh who currently represents District 5 serving in the Oregon House of Representatives. Pam will discuss the activities, accomplishments and challenges of the Oregon Legislature 2020 Short Session scheduled to conclude on Sunday, […]
Barnstormer's Theater
112 NE Evelyn Avenue, Grants Pass, OR, United States
Come support Rogue Indivisible at our Spring Fundraising Event & Silent Auction with Barnstormer's presentation of this wonderful Comedy: Revenge of the Space Pandas (or Binky Rudich and the Two-Speed Clock) The play, written by David Mamet and directed by Madeline DeCourcey, is an “out of this world” comedy written by David Mamet that should […]
Southern Oregon University
1250 Siskiyou Blvd., Ashland, OR, United States
Friday, March 13th, Oregon Senator Jeff Golden and State Representative Pam Marsh come to SOU to discuss issues of Higher Education Funding, Housing/Food Insecurity, and the Environmental Crisis. Come to Elmo's in the Student Union from 5:30 to 7:30 PM with questions and concerns.
Churchill School
3451 Broadway Street, Baker City, OR, United States
Senator Wyden pledges open-to-all town meetings in each county in Oregon each year he serves in the Senate. Wyden has held 966 meetings where he refrains from speeches, listens to the concerns of Oregonians, and answers questions. Take advantage of this opportunity to share your thoughts, concerns and hopes with Senator Wyden.