Medford YMCA
522 W Sixth Street, Medford, OR, United States
Coming Friday, June 19th at the Guerrilla Drive-In: 'I Am Not Your Negro." Plot can be found on Wikipedia here. YouTube preview can be found here. Socializing starts at 8:45 PM, Friday, June 19th. Movie start time around 9:15 PM. Location: North parking lot of the YMCA located at 522 W 6th St, Medford, OR […]
U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden announced he will have a live on-line town hall on June 25 hosted by Town Hall Project for residents of Umatilla, Union, Wallowa and Morrow counties. Anybody wanting to watch that virtual regional town hall beginning at 2 pm PT on Thursday, June 25 can go to this Facebook link. Video […]
U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden announced he will have a live on-line town hall on June 29 hosted by Town Hall Project. Live video participation in this town hall is limited to residents of Deschutes, Crook, and Jefferson counties in Oregon. Time permitting we will take FB questions from Oregonians from all counties. If you reside […]
Medford YMCA
522 W Sixth Street, Medford, OR, United States
This is a little known film about the brainwashing of a woman's father by Fox 'News' and right-wing talk radio and his eventual recovery. We think you will like it. You can make your own recommendation or vote for what to show on the guerrilla drive-in night by going to You do not have to […]
The theme of our ORD2 Indivisible General Meeting on Monday, July 13 is “Policing in the Valley: Re-Imaging Police Work During a Time of Black Lives Matter.” Like last month, this meeting will be a panel discussion via Zoom. To register for this important meeting, please click here. State Senator Jeff Golden will moderate. Panelists […]
Gender Bias... It's the invisible force holding women back...We know the feelings of it.. sometimes we are affected by it and don't even know it... but how do we change it? Knowing what Gender Bias is, how it shows up in political campaigns and how to support each other is key to women's success. POW! […]
Ashland Plaza
N Main Street, Ashland, OR, United States
Veterans for Peace, Rogue Valley Chapter 156: POTUS has sent heavily armed paramilitary troops into Portland supposedly to stop "anarchists" and "Antifa" protesters from desecrating the Federal Courthouse in Portland, but really to show his base how tough he is. In solidarity with the peaceful protesters in Portland, bring your signs, your facemask, and your […]
We're taking our Letters to Voters campaign to another level. To date, our amazing group of dedicated ORD2 Indivisible volunteers has written a whopping 2,000 letters. As we kick into a higher gear before the November election, we are looking for more folks to join us. We're holding in-person GARDEN PARTIES for small groups in […]
Please join ORD2 Indivisible's monthly General Meeting on Monday, Aug. 10, from 6:30-8:00 p.m., on Zoom. This month's meeting will be a panel discussion called "Let's Talk About CAHOOTS." CAHOOTS (Crisis Assistance Helping Out on the Streets) is a community-based public safety system that started at the White Bird Clinic in Eugene 31 years ago […]
Our ORD2 Indivisible writing team joined the Letter Writing with Swing Left: By focusing on twelve "Super States", we can work on flipping the White House, the Senate, and the state houses key to rolling back Republican gerrymandering—all at the same time. We will be writing turnout letters for the general election and "banking" these letters […]