Have you been thinking of writing a letter to the editor? Has something you read caused you to think deeper thoughts, reconsider an idea, want to share your opinion broadly? Has an elected official done something that inspired you or made you incensed? Everyone is invited to attend a Letters to the Editor writing session, […]
Talent Public Library
101 Home Street, Talent, OR, United States
What scares you about Trump and his allies' agenda? Join us to write postcards to our elected officials to let them know. We'll be sending postcards to Greg Walden to urge him to put our country over party allegiances and support the IMPEACHMENT inquiry. We'll also be writing to Oregon state officials letting them know […]
Vogel Plaza
15 S. Central, Medford, OR, United States
BALLOT MEASURES ADDRESSING CLIMATE POLLUTION INITIATED FOR THE NOVEMBER 2020 ELECTION Recognizing that the Oregon State legislature has been unable to pass meaningful greenhouse gas emissions reduction legislation, the statewide climate coalition, led by Renew Oregon, has developed a series of Ballot Measures that will appear on the ballot in November 2020 if the legislature […]
Everyone is invited to participate in Postcardia - Wallowa County postcard activism every Tuesday from 1:30-2:30 pm. Please send an email to for the location, which changes from time to time.
Barnstormer's Theater
112 NE Evelyn Avenue, Grants Pass, OR, United States
Come support Rogue Indivisible at our Fall Fundraising Event and Silent Auction with Barnstormer’s presentation of Quilters! a musical by Molly Newman and Barbara Damashek Directed by Denise Baker Quilters is the story of a pioneer woman and her six daughters. A rich mosaic of scenes captures the sweep and the beauty, the terror and […]
Ongoing until we oust the orange guy. For ORD2 Indivisible Members ONLY. Staying sane isn't easy for peace workers these days. It's time to come together and learn practical ways to stay focused, peaceful and effective. Classes teaching you how to develop and implement a personal daily self-care plan will be held on the first Thursday […]
Phoenix Library
510 West 1st Street, Phoenix, OR, United States
Come get inspired and motivated at our monthly ORD2 Indivisible General Meeting! Join us as we gear up to be a powerful district-wide force leading up to the 2020 election. Now is the time to get involved so we are at full steam when that will be needed the most. We plan to meet on the second Monday of each […]
Everyone is invited to participate in Postcardia – Wallowa County postcard activism every Tuesday from 1:30-2:30 pm. Please send an email to for the location, which changes from time to time.
Vogel Plaza
15 S. Central, Medford, OR, United States
It's (past) time! Join us as we tell Southern Oregon and the world at large, it's time to clean house, remove the trash and IMPEACH NOW! We will gather each Thursday at noon. On November 14 we will meet at Vogel Plaza in downtown Medford with our signs, messages and chants. Help us swell our […]