Notify those who post non-ORD2 Indivisible sponsored events on our Facebook page:
While we are pleased to have other groups / organizations post events on our website, please include “This is not an ORD2 Indivisible sponsored event“ within your posting.
Add “an independent” to first sentence of the Mission Statement:
Oregon District 2 Indivisible is an independent grassroots organization dedicated to resisting the Trump Agenda.
Determine feasibility of conducting our next public introductory in early April (possible location SOU
Present suggestions for holding a Round Robin style meeting including Team Coordinators at next SC meeting (March 8, 2017)
Determine feasibility of conducting a social event for ORD2 Indivisible volunteers
Each SC member will provide an update / summary regarding the area where they function as liaison over the course of the next week
Contact Walden’s office to schedule our next meeting with the ORD2 Indivisible SC Update on ACA activity
Order bumper stickers of various designs
Review meeting posting requests and approve for posting on Facebook
Add Volunteers Needed notification on website: We are forming a team to identify, follow and report on local and state issues. This includes but is not limited to resolutions, legislation, rulings and candidates.
Draft a description of and definition for the Action Team. Present at next SC meeting
Select Team Coordinator
Draft “What Can I Do Today” list to assist ORD2 participants take actions in addition to regular CTAs. Present at next SC meeting.
Add “Evolving ORD2 Organizational Chart” to website
Review Bylaws draft, present suggested revisions at next SC meeting
Create “Fund Development” team
Crate “Legal Team”
Open ORD2 Indivisible P. O. Box Team Leader Team Leader2017-03-01 23:00:492017-03-01 23:00:49SC Action Items: 2017-03-01