Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell continues to block significant legislation from reaching the floor for vote—even when widely supported by the American people. The most egregious examples involve sexual harassment reform and a bipartisan bill protecting Mueller’s investigation.
In February, the House—by voice vote—passed legislation reforming its sexual harassment policies, barring sexual relationships with employees, and requiring that settlements be made public and paid with personal funds.
McConnell, who is opposed to prohibition against using taxpayer funds for settlements, refused to include these reforms in the omnibus spending bill. Thereafter, all 22 female Senators demanded an immediate vote on the House-passed legislation. Three weeks later (in mid-April), Senator Merkley circulated a letter, signed by 31 male colleagues, supporting their demand for immediate Senate action, but McConnell hasn’t budged.
He’s been similarly intransigent about protecting Mueller, despite Trump’s escalation of attacks on Mueller and the Justice Department—thereby siding with Trump rather than putting the interests of American people first.
American voters are watching Congress’ behavior leading up to the midterms. Harassment survivors seeking justice must be supported. And Congress must convince Trump his assault on America’s democratic institutions won’t be tolerated. Our Senators must demand action now.
Tell Mitch McConnell to Do His Job!
(Leave a message if you can’t get through.)
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent and voter from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am concerned about Mitch McConnell’s refusal to allow a Senate vote on sexual harassment reform and on protecting the Mueller investigation. I want to thank Senator Merkley for taking the lead in supporting his female colleagues and pushing for passage of legislation like the House’s and for defending the need to protect the Russia investigation. Please ask the Senator to continue demanding that McConnell do his job by bringing S. 2401 (Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 Reform Act) and S. 2644 (Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act) to an immediate vote. Thank you.”
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent and voter from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am concerned about Mitch McConnell’s refusal to allow a Senate vote on sexual harassment reform and on protecting the Mueller investigation. I want to thank Senator Wyden for supporting his female colleagues and pushing for passage of legislation like the House’s and for defending the need to protect the Russia investigation. Please ask the Senator to continue demanding that McConnell do his job by bringing S. 2401 (Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 Reform Act) and S. 2644 (Special Counsel Independence and Integrity Act) to an immediate vote. Thank you.”
**ACTION 2: It’s Time To Get Out The Vote**
It has become clear that we need a different Congress to end the GOP’s attack on American institutions.
That means replacing Greg Walden with someone who will put
Country Before Party!
VOTE in the Primary for the progressive candidates of your choice. You should have your ballot by now! Be sure you and all of your progressive friends return their ballots by May 15—people who vote in the primary are EIGHT TIMES more likely to vote in the general election!
Don’t forget to VOTE the ENTIRE BALLOT! In Jackson County, we have two progressive women running for County Commissioner—Lanita Witt and Amy Thuren. Let’s get progressive voices into ALL LEVELS of Government!
Help us Get Out the Vote—GOTV!
If you are not already working with the Neighborhood Leader Program to GOTV, sign up by visiting:
It really is that simple. And guess what? By doing that simple thing you will help increase voter turnout significantly. In the Oregon January 2018 Measure 101 Election progressive voter turnout was increased by 34 points! That’s how elections are won!
If you are already participating, recruit five of your friends to join the program!
The 2018 elections will be the most important of our lives!
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32 Male Senators Backup Women, Urge Action on #Metoo Legislation
Senate Panel Approves Bill to Protect Special Council
A Senate Committee Just Approved a Bill to Protect Robert Mueller
Fox News Poll: Mueller Likely to Find Trump Offenses, Trump Likely to Fire Him