The last week of August will mark 500 days since Greg Walden has had a town hall anywhere in Oregon Congressional District 2. A lot of Indivisibles have gotten tired of his little secret meetings and have decided to do something about it.
If he won’t bring a town hall to us, we’ve decided to take one to him.
On the weekend of Aug. 24-26, please join us for what we hope is the first and last cross-district “Where’s Walden?” caravan.
Your ORD2 steering committee is working hard to finalize the details for next week’s caravan. We are in process of working with other Indivisible groups to confirm exact times and locations. But here is the schedule so far:
- 10 a.m. Gather with Rogue Indivisible at Riverside Park, 304 E. Park St., in Grants Pass, or with ORD2 at the left side of the Bi-Mart parking lot, 2280 Ashland Street at the south end of Ashland. Caravan leaves at 10:30.
- 11 a.m. Meet the Medford caravaners at the Medford Armory, 1701 S. Pacific Hwy. Caravan leaves at noon.
- 2 p.m. Arrive in Klamath Falls at the Pavilion area of Moore Park, 740 Lakeshore Dr. Caravan leaves at 3:30.
- 6 p.m. Arrive in Bend for a potluck hosted by Indivisible Bend at Moody Park, 2225 NE Daggett.
- Spend the night in Bend.
- *10 a.m. Meet for a “Where’s Walden?” Rally! *NOTE: Corrected location: Walden’s Corner, Bond and Greenwood. Caravan leaves at 11.
- 1:30 p.m. Arrive in The Dalles and meet Indivisible Columbia Gorge at The Dalles City Park, 707 Union St. Caravan leaves at 3:00.
- 4 p.m. We arrive at the Hood River. Meet at the Chamber of Commerce, 720 E. Port Marina, for a party and town hall outside Greg Walden’s office. We don’t know if he’ll be there, but Jamie McLeod-Skinner will!
- Spend the night in Hood River.
SUNDAY, we’ll gather for a little coffee and canvassing before we all head home.
You can drive or ride along for any or all of the route, or just meet us at one of the locations to help us tell Greg Walden that we’re tired of not having town halls, so we’re taking our questions and concerns to him.
Everyone will be responsible for their own gas, food and accommodations. Some Indivisibles have offered homestays. Others are looking for someone to ride with. (Anyone coming over from Baker City?) Dress up your car if you can. We’ll have t-shirts and “Where’s Walden?” signs available at every stop.
To learn more about available homestays or to make ride-along arrangements, either as a driver or a passenger, or if you have other questions, please send an e-mail to Teresa Safay at or send her a private message via Facebook. Please let us know – soon! — if you plan to be part of the caravan, so our wonderful hosts can get a headcount.
Visit the Event Calendar on the ORD2 Indivisible website for additional details:
Brett Kavanaugh is Trump’s “Get Out of Jail Free” card — chosen to shield Trump from criminal accountability, separation of powers violations, and excessive assertions of executive authority. Kavanaugh’s belief that President’s are essentially above the law is dangerous, given Trump’s threat to appeal a Mueller subpoena to the Supreme Court.
Senate Republicans, fearing a Democratic takeover, refuse to follow normal procedures — requesting the nominee’s entire record and providing it to all 100 Senators with sufficient time to digest the information. Instead, they’re pushing the nominee through in secrecy, ignoring large portions of Kavanaugh’s record. As Senator Feinstein warned, withholding even a small number “might hide Kavanaugh’s views on health care, same-sex marriage, abortion, climate change and other key issues.”
There’s also evidence Kavanaugh lied under oath during 2006 confirmation hearings — about his involvement with Bush’s torture policies and enemy combatants’ detention. A nominee lying under oath is undeserving of confirmation, as demonstrated by Ryan Bounds’ fate.
No lifetime appointment to Supreme Court can be made before the Senate, and the American people, have a chance to examine Kavanaugh’s entire record. Our Senators must demand:
- No Judiciary hearing until all records released
- No Senate vote until Senators and the American people have access to all Kavanaugh’s records
- No hearings/vote unless the Mueller investigation clears Trump.
Stop Kavanaugh!
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent and voter from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am calling to thank you for your continued opposition to the Kavanaugh nomination. Allowing Trump’s handpicked justice to shield him from accountability for his corruption and crimes would constitute a constitutional crisis. Please keep up your efforts to obtain all his records —and demand that (1) no Judiciary hearing is held before all of the records are released, (2) no Senate vote is taken until all Senators and the American people have access to all of Kavanaugh’s records, and (3) the nomination does not move forward unless the Mueller investigation clears Trump. Thank you.”
Portland: (503) 326-7525, DC: (202) 224-5244
Salem: (503) 589-4555, Eugene: (541) 431-0229
Medford: (541) 858-5122, Bend: (541) 330-9142
La Grande: (541) 960-7691
Portland: (503) 326-3386, DC: (202) 224-3753
Salem: (503) 362-8102, Eugene: (541) 465-6750
Medford: (541) 608-9102, Bend: (541) 318-1298
Pendleton: (541) 278-1129
Never miss a chance to call Greg Walden. Choose your biggest pet peeve, then let him know! Call. Email. Text. Tweet. Remind him we are still here—resisting, insisting, persisting. In other words, no rest for the sell-out who calls himself our Representative!