Protect the 2020 Census
Happy Special Election Season Oregon! This week ballots went out for Measure 101. Make a plan to vote and have your voice heard. Then work to stop attacks on our voting rights and protect the 2020 Census.
Every decade the census is used to determine Congressional districts and government resource allocation. The Trump administration is doing its best to politicize the census and tilt the results.
Thomas Burnell has been nominated to lead the census. Burnell has little experience and has testified in support of gerrymandering. He authored “Redistricting and Representation: Why competitive elections are bad for America”. Burnell has been appointed to a Deputy position which does NOT need Senate confirmation.
A politicized Justice Department made a formal request to add a question regarding citizenship to the census. This will decrease response rates which puts accurate Congressional representation at risk and will short change vulnerable populations when it comes to government funding.
An inaccurate census will cause LASTING DAMAGE to the democratic process, our voting rights and domestic federal funding.
We must demand a fair, nonpartisan census!
**ACTION 1: Call Congressman Walden and our Senators**
(Leave a message if you can’t get through.)
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am calling [Name] because I am very worried about an accurate census. I ask that the Congressman/Senator do all he can to oppose Thomas Burnell to lead the Census Bureau, and to work for a fair census by calling for the Commerce Secretary to reject adding a question about citizenship to the census. Thank you.”
**ACTION 2: Share with Friends and Family**
Share this post with friends and family. Help them call their Congressional delegation urging them to protect the census by opposing Thomas Burnell to lead the census and calling for the Commerce Secretary to reject adding a question about citizenship to the census.
**ACTION 3: Vote YES on Measure 101**
Make sure you and everyone you know votes in this special election—and encourage one and all to vote YES on Measure 101. Drop off your ballot at an official drop-off site by 8pm January 23rd. If you are mailing your ballot add more time and make sure to get in the mail well before January 23rd.
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