That Russia interfered in the 2016 election and is similarly undermining the 2018 elections is common knowledge, accepted by all, including Trump’s CIA Director. Everyone, that is, except Trump.
Nevertheless, Trump has tried to discredit Special Counsel Mueller and halt the Russia probe, ignored Congress’ nearly unanimous demand to impose sanctions on Russia, and done everything possible to protect Russia and Putin. His latest stunt was releasing Nunes’ memo which irresponsibly smeared the FBI, DOJ and Special Counsel, while exposing confidential information and undermining future effectiveness of intelligence agencies.
Trump’s actions show disdain for Congress and separation of powers, undermine law enforcement agencies, create several constitutional crises, and are destroying our democracy more effectively than Putin can. What power must Putin have over him and the GOP? What does this mean for our democracy?
Still, Republicans refuse to act. As Sen. McCain aptly tweeted, attacks on FBI and DOJ serve only Putin’s interests; “[i]f we continue to undermine our own rule of law, we are doing Putin’s job for him.”
Release of Nunes’ memo creates new urgency. We must pressure our MoCs, and also those in red states, to carry out their constitutional duty to rein in this President. America’s future as a viable democracy is at stake.
Where’s the GOP Leadership?
Where’s Walden!?!
Share this post with friends and family, especially in red states. To rein in Trump, it is necessary to convince Republicans to uphold the Constitution and serve as a check on the Executive.
Help friends and family call on their own Congressional delegation to: (1) denounce the Nunes memo as a publicity stunt; (2) do everything possible to pass legislation supporting the Special Counsel [S.1735 & 1741/H.B.3771 & 4669]; (3) censure Trump both for attacking the FBI and Justice Department and failing to impose sanctions on Russia to curtail future election hacking.
(Leave a message if you can’t get through.)
SAMPLE SCRIPT for #Complicit Greg Walden
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent and voter from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am outraged that Trump and his GOP allies are doing Putin’s business and I fear that we are falling into a constitutional crisis. I demand that Congressman Walden put Country Before Party and speak out against these dangers to our democracy. Additionally, he MUST (1) work for the quick passage of H.B.3771 & 4669, protecting the Special Counsel; (2) censure Trump for attacking the FBI and Justice Department and failing to impose sanctions on Russia to curtail future election hacking; (3) work to amend the Russian sanctions law to make sanctions automatic unless administration certifies Russia has ceased interfering in our democratic institutions. It’s time for Greg Walden to step up or resign! Thank you.”
SAMPLE SCRIPT for Senators Wyden and Merkley
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent and voter from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am outraged that Trump and his GOP allies are doing Putin’s business and I fear that we are falling into a constitutional crisis. I want to thank the Senator for speaking out against these dangers. Specifically, I am asking the Senator to withhold confirmation of nominees until (1) S.1735 & 1741, protecting the Special Counsel are passed; (2) Trump is censured for attacking the FBI and Justice Department and failing to impose sanctions on Russia to curtail future election hacking; (3) the Russian sanctions law is amended to make sanctions automatic until the administration certifies that Russia has ceased interfering in our democratic institutions. Thank you.”
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Trump’s Saturday Night Massacre Is Already Happening
This Is Exactly How America Tumbles Into A Constitutional Crisis
The Other Russia Scandal This Week