APRIL 25, 2017
Who: Oregon District 2 Indivisible
What: Resist Trump Tuesday Rally
When: Tuesday, April 25, 2017 Beginning at Noon
Where: 10 S. Oakdale, Medford
Our theme this week is: “After 100 Days, Where Do We Go From Here?”
This will be our final Resist Trump Tuesday rally, having held an even dozen until now.
At our first rally on January 31 we demanded “HANDS OFF OUR ACA!” Other rally themes have included:
• Valentine’s Day thank you messages to Senator Merkley and Senator Wyden
• Town Hall Meeting Request to “Where’s Walden”
• Veterans
• Immigrant Rights
• The Environment
• Freedom of the Press
• The National Endowment of the Arts
• Investigate the Russian connections
• Release Your Tax Returns
The total number of e-mail subscribers who received our first RTT notification: 365.
The total number of e-mail subscribers receiving this announcement: 1,978 – an increase of 542%!
Looking back over the past three months it is challenging to comprehend the quantity and magnitude of issues that have emerged from the new administration. We have been there, united and indivisible, expressing our concerns and outrage as we have gathered and marched in Medford. Our voices have been heard and we are, through our collective efforts, holding our Members of Congress accountable!
Come join us on Tuesday to celebrate our accomplishments, to learn of our future plans, to share your experiences and your ideas for the future as participants in this amazing Indivisible movement. Please bring your amazing and inspiring signs addressing your issue(s) of choice! Bring your friends, families, flags, and focus.
Please join us on Tuesday, April 25, 2017, noon to 1:30 p.m. Meet at the Old County Courthouse, 10 S. Oakdale,
Those interested in carpooling from Ashland, please meet at the mailboxes by Shop n’ Kart, 2268 Ashland Street at 11:00 a.m.