Fight Big Bucks in Oregon Politics
Support Small Donor Elections
In Oregon’s 2016 state elections, over 97 percent of all campaign contributions came from large donors and other contributors like PACs, according to the Oregon State Public Interest Research Group (OSPIRG).
Right now, the Oregon state legislature is considering a bill that could help balance the scales of democracy, shifting power away from special interest money and back to the people. It’s called the Small Donor Elections (House Bill 4076), and it’s Oregon’s best chance to limit the influence of Big Money in our elections.
A proven way to ensure
everyone’s voice is heard in elections.
Here’s how it works: By matching small contributions (up to $250) to participating candidates with limited public funds, Small Donor Elections means that your donation makes a difference, no matter how small. So your $10 donation would be worth $70, thanks to a 6-to-1 match through limited public funds.
In places with Small Donor Elections, candidates spend more time engaging with their constituents, rather than chasing down big checks. With our Vote-by-Mail and Motor Voter programs, Oregon has always been a leader in promoting a just democracy. Small Donor Elections is the logical next step.
Tell your state legislators
to support Small Donor Elections.
The 2018 Oregon “short” legislative session began February 5 and ends at midnight March 11.
Your state representative and state senator need to hear your voice.
** ACTION 1: Send a Message**
Oregon Common Cause has provided a quick link with a pre-written message to send to your state lawmakers. You can personalize the message as you like. Personalized messages are most effective.
**ACTION 2: Call Your state Representative**
Not sure who your state legislators are? Check here: Who represents me?
“My name is [-] and I’m a constituent from [City], Oregon. I am calling to urge you to support the Small Donor Elections bill. Oregon leads the nation in ensuring voter rights with Vote-By-Mail and Motor Voter programs. This bill is the next step. It helps keep big money out of our politics, ensuring that our government represents us, not the out-of-state billionaires.”
**ACTION 3: Call Your State Senator**
Not sure who your state legislators are? Check here: Who represents me?
My name is [-] and I’m a constituent from [City], Oregon. I am calling to urge you to support the Small Donor Elections bill. Oregon leads the nation in ensuring voter rights with Vote-By-Mail and Motor Voter programs. This bill is the next step. It helps keep big money out of our politics, ensuring that our government represents us, not the out-of-state billionaires.”
State Senator Alan DeBoer (Republican – District 3 – Ashland)
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1703
State Senator Herman E. Baertschiger Jr. (Republican – District 2 – Grants Pass)
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1702; District Phone: 541-787-1702
**ACTION 4: Learn More and Get Involved**
Read the text of the bill here.
See an overview here.
Find out how you can help here.
Background Information on Oregon State Legislature: Oregon’s state legislature consists of a 60-member House of Representatives and a 30-member Senate. Each constituent is represented by one representative and one senator. You can sign up for newsletters from your state legislators and even alerts on particular bills on the Oregon legislative website.