The White House and Speaker Ryan announced they will replace the head of the commission that helps states protect election systems from cyber attacks —
— despite widespread support for the commission head Matthew Masterson, a John Boehner nominee praised by state election officials for his expertise on cyber security issues;
— despite agreement among US intelligence leaders that Russian meddling endangers the 2018 elections;
— despite FBI indictments against a Russian troll farm and its financiers for interfering in the 2016 election.
Their decision follows recent news that Majority Leader McConnell knew about Russian election meddling before the 2016 election but refused to support bipartisan efforts to expose and stop it.
Meanwhile, Special Counsel Mueller is homing in on corruption in the Trump campaign. Five senior campaign staff have pleaded guilty, making the head-in-the-sand Republican strategy increasingly irresponsible—and dangerous.
That’s Greg Walden!
Irresponsible & Dangerous!
Congress needs to pick itself up and pass bipartisan bills that are now sitting in committees that would:
— eliminate paperless voting machines,
— require transparency by internet companies on the source of political ads,
— protect Mueller from removal.
Get UP! Stand UP!
Hold Congressional Leaders Accountable!
**ACTION 1: Call #Complicit Greg Walden and our Senators**
(Leave a message if you can’t get through.)
SAMPLE SCRIPT for Complicit Greg Walden:
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent and voter from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am calling because Mueller’s recent indictments leave no doubt that Russian meddled in our 2016 elections and will do so again. Please tell Greg Walden that it is high time for him to honor his oath of office and put country before Russia to (i) to protect our elections by pushing for the passage of the Honest Ads Act (H.R. 4077) and by introducing legislation like the Secure Elections Act (S. 2261) and (ii) to protect Mueller by passing the Special Counsel Independence Protection Act (H.R. 3654). Also tell him that November cannot come to soon. Thank you.”
SAMPLE SCRIPT for Senators Merkley and Wyden:
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent and voter from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am calling because Mueller’s recent indictments leave no doubt that Russian meddled in our 2016 elections and will do so again. Please tell the Senator (i) to protect our elections by endorsing both the Secure Elections Act (S. 2261) and the Honest Ads Act (S. 1989) and pushing for their passage, and (ii) to protect Mueller by passing the Special Counsel Independence Protection Act (S. 1735). Thank you.”
**ACTION 2: Raise this issue at a Town Hall**
Ask your Members of Congress to support the Honest Ads Act (S.1989/HR 4077), the Secure Elections Act (S.2261), and the Special Counsel Independence Protection Act (S. 1735/H.R. 3654)**
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent and voter from [city], Oregon, zip code [–] Mueller’s recent indictments leave no doubt that Russian meddled in our 2016 elections and will do so again. However, Trump and the GOP refuse to take any action against this threat by a foreign power and instead seek to derail the current investigations by politicizing intelligence and our institutions, like the FBI and DOJ. What will you do to safeguard the 2018 elections and Mueller? Will you push for the passage of the Honest Ads Act, the Secure Elections Act and the Special Counsel Independence Protection Act?”
**ACTION 3: Share with Friends and Family**
Share this post with friends and family. Help them leave messages for their Members of Congress to take actions to protect our elections and to protect Mueller.
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Bend (541) 389-4408, La Grande (541) 624-2400
Portland: (503) 326-3386, DC: (202) 224-3753
Salem: (503) 362-8102, Eugene: (541) 465-6750
Medford: (541) 608-9102, Bend: (541) 318-1298
Pendleton: (541) 278-1129
Portland: (503) 326-7525, DC: (202) 224-5244
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Medford: (541) 858-5122, Bend: (541) 330-9142
La Grande: (541) 960-7691

All of Robert Mueller’s Indictments and Plea Deals in the Russia Investigation So Far
What Mueller’s Indictment Reveals
ORD2 Social Hour Reminder:
Join us Today for another ORD2 Indivisible Social Hour – BOWLING at Roxy Ann Lanes in Medford
Today, February 26 @ 5:30 p.m.