
What did we learn from the vote on Measure 101?

We learned that when we Get Out The Vote, we can win!

1. Measure 101 actually passed if you add up all the votes in Congressional District 2.  *It passed strongly in Jackson, Deschutes, Hood River and Wasco counties. The measure ALMOST passed in Gilliam, Umatilla and Wallowa counties.
2. Getting Out The Vote works best when you have a coalition. In many ORD2 counties, Indivisible groups worked with partners in unions, healthcare organizations, AARP and the Democratic party to reach as many voters as possible.
3. We need to knock on doors. In the four winning counties, we used both traditional canvassing — visiting voters who needed a nudge getting their ballots in — and the *Neighborhood Leader Program. The NLP matches you to people who live in your neighborhood and creates long-term relationships that result in very high vote returns.
4. We need lots of volunteers — doing lots of things — if we are going to defeat Greg Walden and elect progressive candidates on the local, county and state levels. Across the district, Indivisibles attended rallies, phone-banked, knocked on doors and wrote hundreds of letters to convince people to vote Yes On 101.
In the next few months, we need to continue building our incredible Indivisible army. We need to train and encourage more people to knock, phone, rally and *write. We need to organize in our neighborhoods, our towns, and counties.
If we do, in November, we’ll win again!