Trump’s malignant talent of dividing the nation has turned to immigrants. He tars immigrants as criminals and now is undertaking a massive overhaul of America’s immigration regulations to “protect Americans.” We must counter this fake crisis by upholding the value of immigration, which has enriched America generation after generation.
Trump rages that immigrants are rapists, drug-dealers, and murderers although “some, I assume, are good people.” This vilification is working. Two-thirds of his base now says immigration is a “very big problem.”
Trump’s latest move would deny permanent residency to legal immigrants who use government services, such as food assistance, for themselves or their children. He has also unleashed ICE, his “deportation force,” to brutally enforce his will.
Trump has called for changes that, cumulatively, will upend immigration, including:
• Ending family reunification programs, which Trump calls “chain migration”
• Revoking Temporary Protected Status, a form of humanitarian assistance
• Ending the Diversity Visa Lottery because it brings “the worst people”
• Limiting the Trafficking Victims Protection Act for children
• Extensively delaying H-1B visas for skilled workers
And Greg Walden’s SILENCE signals his support for Trump’s
oppressive policies!
During this week’s immigration debates, we must implore our MoCs to champion the benefits of immigration and repair this needless division.
Where’s #Complicit Greg Walden!?!
Stand Indivisible with Immigrants!
**ACTION 1: Call #Complicit Greg Walden and our Senators**
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent and voter from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am calling to express my strong disapproval of Trump’s attempts to completely revise our immigration practices. His actions and proposals are an attack on an important source of America’s greatness, generation after generation. Please tell the [Senator/Congressman] to work 1) to bring a clean DREAM Act to the Senate/House Floor 2) to reject any legislation that changes current immigration policy and 3) to investigate ICE’s abuses as they implement Trump’s cruel immigration policies. Thank you.”
**ACTION 2: Send this action to Friends and Family**
Share this post with friends and family, especially in red states. Urge them to oppose Trump’s attempts to totally revise our immigration practices. He is taking or has proposed several actions which, when taken together, are an attack on a practice that has made America great generation after generation. We need more kindness in our approach but people also need to understand the economic advantages of welcoming immigrants into our country.
CONGRESSMAN GREG WALDEN is #Complicit with Trump’s brutality!
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Bend (541) 389-4408, La Grande (541) 624-2400
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La Grande: (541) 960-7691

Immigration Makes America Great
Opinion: What Does Immigration Actually Cost Us?
The Scary Ideology Behind Trump’s Immigration Instincts
Angel Padilla (Policy Director for Indivisible) On Twitter (Personal Account)