The Trump Shutdown is over … until February 8, when the latest continuing resolution (CR) expires. The bill that passed Monday did finally include six years of CHIP funding. But it failed to address critical issues dating back to last September, even though there is bipartisan support for legislation:
• Dreamers were not protected from deportation, which could begin on March 5
• Community Health Center funding was not included
• Disaster relief funding was not included, despite Puerto Ricans experiencing the longest mass blackout in US history
The CR also contains a postponement of healthcare taxes, which will add an additional $31 billion to the deficit and further weaken the ACA. And the GOP’s inability to govern effectively and get a budget passed has hamstrung our military, which cannot effectively plan based on continuing resolutions. Jesse Lehrich of Organizing for Action said, “This stopgap measure is . . . a band-aid for a self-inflicted wound that remains untreated.”
Oregon’s US Congressional delegation (except Walden) stood firm against the CR and Trump’s naked racism, revealed in his negotiations last week. We stand firmly behind them. Tell them: the next spending bill MUST INCLUDE . . .
Dreamer Protection!
Community Health Center Funding!
Disaster Relief!
**ACTION 1: Call Congressman Walden**
(Leave a message if you can’t get through.)
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am outraged that you voted in favor of the spending bill that does not contain protection for Dreamers, funding for community health centers, or funding for victims of the longest mass blackout in US history as well as other disaster victims. Your support for this legislation broke bipartisan promises to address these issues. In particular, I demand that you put People Before Party and stop supporting an immigration policy based on racist beliefs, and that you support funding for community health centers and disaster victims. Thank you.”
**ACTION 2: Go to any Town Hall Meeting in your area and ask your MOC to protect Dreamers, and to fund Community Health Centers and Disaster Relief**
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon, zip code [–]. I am dismayed that Congress passed a spending bill that does not contain protection for Dreamers, funding for community health centers, or funding for victims of the longest mass blackout in US history as well as other disaster victims. Thank you for opposing this legislation (except Walden) , which breaks bipartisan promises to address these issues. What will you do to ensure that the GOP keeps its promises?”
**ACTION 3: Share with Friends and Family**
Share this post with friends and family. Help them leave messages for their Senators to oppose any spending bill that does not contain protection for Dreamers, funding for community health centers, or funding for victims of the longest mass blackout in US history as well as other disaster victims.
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