No #NuclearWar
As harmful as all of the GOP’s policies are, they can be changed with new legislation. One thing that can’t be changed is nuclear war. Trump is playing with fire by threatening nuclear war against North Korea.
“We have a nuclear monarchy. [Deciding to fire nuclear weapons] is the least democratic process in our entire government.” -Joe Cirincione, President, Ploughshares Fund and nonproliferation expert.
“[If] in a fit of pique [Trump] decides to do something about Kim Jong Un, there’s actually very little to stop him. … which is pretty damn scary.” – James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence.
With Trump considering a “bloody nose” strategy—responding to a North Korean nuclear/missile test with a targeted US response—Congress must limit the President’s belligerence by reasserting its constitutional powers.
Congress must pass the Markey-Lieu bill to prevent the President from using nuclear weapons first unless Congress has declared war (HR 669 and S 200).
Both Oregon’s Senators and three of its House members (Blumenauer, Bonamici, and DeFazio) are co-sponsors; now they need to push for its passage.
Where’s Walden!?!
Ask our MoCs to keep us safe by placing checks on Presidential powers
to start wars.
Congress! Guard our national security!
**ACTION 1: Call Congressman Walden and our Senators**
SAMPLE SCRIPT for Congressman Walden:
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon, [zip code]. I am very concerned about the growing hostility between the US and North Korea. I urgently request that the Congressman put country before party to break with Trump’s war mongering rhetoric and support the Markey-Lieu bill that requires Congress to declare war before the President can authorize pre-emptive use of nuclear weapons. No single person should be allowed to decide to start a nuclear war. Thank you.”
SAMPLE SCRIPT for Senators Merkley and Wyden:
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon, [zip code]. I am very concerned about the growing hostility between the US and North Korea. I’d like to thank the Senator for co-sponsoring the Markey-Lieu bill that requires Congress to declare war before the President can use nuclear weapons in a first strike. I urgently request that he push hard for its passage. Thank you.”
**ACTION 2: Call your Friends and Family**
Ask your friends and family to call their MoCs to ask them to limit Trump’s power to start a nuclear war, to support HR 669 and S 200.
Also, post this information on Facebook or other social media.
DC (202) 225-6730, Medford: (541) 776-4646,
Bend (541) 389-4408, La Grande (541) 624-2400
Portland: (503) 326-3386, DC: (202) 224-3753
Salem: (503) 362-8102, Eugene: (541) 465-6750
Medford: (541) 608-9102, Bend: (541) 318-1298
Pendleton: (541) 278-1129
Portland: (503) 326-7525, DC: (202) 224-5244
Salem: (503) 589-4555, Eugene: (541) 431-0229
Medford: (541) 858-5122, Bend: (541) 330-9142
La Grande: (541) 960-7691
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