As we strive for the future for which Martin Luther King, Jr. died, we must condemn and resist our racist president and his administration. We must show our fellow Americans and the world that hate and bigotry have no place in America.
Trump and his administration:
• enacted a Muslim ban three times
• transformed ICE into a deportation force that separates families
• employs Nazis/white supremacists and sided with them after the march in Charlottesville
• ended protections for DACA recipients
Their latest actions are more of the same. Trump’s vulgar and offensive language lays bare his disdain and disgust for non-white immigrants.
Congress must censure Donald Trump for his racist remarks!
His administration ended Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for hundreds of thousands from El Salvador, Nicaragua, Haiti and Sudan. This will send thousands who have lived here for decades back to countries they do not know and could put their lives in danger.
To protect these people, Congress must work for a clean DREAM Act and also pass the SECURE Act which allows qualified TPS recipients to apply for permanent residence status.
“The time is always right to do what is right.”
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Congress must act NOW!
**ACTION 1: Call Congressman Walden and both Senators**
(Leave a message if you can’t get through.)
SAMPLE SCRIPT for Congressman Walden:
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am appalled by Trump’s comments about immigrants, and his administration’s treatment of DACA and TPS recipients. I am asking Congressman Walden to put People Before Party and to work for a clean DREAM Act, help pass the SECURE Act allowing TPS recipients to apply for permanent resident status, and to introduce a censure motion condemning Donald Trump’s racist remarks. Thank you.”
SAMPLE SCRIPT for Senators Merkley and Wyden:
“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code]. I am appalled by Trump’s comments about immigrants, and his administration’s treatment of DACA and TPS recipients. I’m glad the Senator is already working to pass a clean DREAM Act. He must take two additional actions: help pass the SECURE Act allowing TPS recipients to apply for permanent resident status and introduce a censure motion condemning Donald Trump’s racist remarks. Thank you.”
**ACTION 2: Share with Friends and Family**
Share this post with friends and family. Help them leave messages for their Senators and Reps to work for a clean DREAM Act, as well as passing the SECURE Act (allowing TPS recipients to apply for permanent resident status) and legislation condemning Donald Trump’s racist remarks.
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