Hindsight is 2020, right?
Following the lead of key Bernie Sanders’ campaign organizers, progressives across the nation are getting ready to hit the ground running should Sanders announce candidacy.
RSVP here: https://secure.organizingforbernie.com/page/event/detail/january12thhouseparty/w7t
Doors will open at noon for refreshments before the 1:00 p.m. live stream begins. Following the presentation by nationwide organizers, attendees at the Bellview Grange in Ashland will discuss our part in moving the campaign forward.
We want to show Benie that he has countrywide support.
Be part of this groundbreaking movement–join the conversation on January 12th.
RSVP on the Organizing for Bernie Sanders Website:
Can’t attend? Sign the petition to show your support to Senator Sanders: https://secure.organizingforbernie.com/page/s/ask-bernie-to-run?source=website-bottom-button