January 18, Dr. Martin Luther King Day, at 2 PM is the premiere of a video documenting a local exploration of Dr. King’s book, WHY WE CAN’T WAIT and its issues, followed by a live discussion with special guests and 1960s Civil Rights activists Dr. Geneva Craig and Dr. John L. Dolan. The video and discussion will air on RVTV Prime cable TV and Facebook Live.
The organizers of Rogue Valley’s 2021 Martin Luther King Jr. Day event are challenging the Rogue Valley to take the MLK DAY CHALLENGE. The challenge is to read Why We Can’t Wait, Dr. King’s account of the 1963 confrontation of segregationists in the South, and the key racial issues that remain to this day.
For more details and how to participate, visit somlk.org, follow us at @SoMLKDay on Twitter and Instagram, and like our Facebook Page “Southern Oregon MLK Day.”