Not to be confused with Call to Action

1. Update disclaimer statement for the ORD2 Indivisible Discussion Group Facebook page.
2. SC and Board members are to estimate the number of hours spent working on ORD2 Indivisible activities to date. Distinguish between time spent focused on educational activities and time spent focused on political activities.
3. Identify hours tracking platform (i.e. Toggle) to assist with accurate record keeping going forward.
4. List upcoming events on website.
A. 2nd Tuesday and 4th Saturday rallies
B. 3rd Wednesday social hours
C. 4th of July parade, booth
D. September 8 Ashland Armory event
5. Determine items to be obtained / purchased for 4th of July parade, booth:
A. Canopy, table, flyers, posters, general supplies
B. Pocket constitutions, temporary tattoos, bubbles, wristbands, bumper stickers, t-shirts, etc.
6. Continue efforts to secure meeting space for July 9 or July 16 General / Introductory meeting.
7. Continue efforts to secure rehearsal space for ORD2 Indivisible Chorus.
8. Continue information gathering regarding possible billboard(s).
9. Continue information gathering regarding proposal to form a “Locally Indivisible” Team to have a focus on local issues.
10. Continue planning for September 8 event to be held at the Ashland Armory.
11. Work to indentify a Volunteer Coordinator.