This afternoon, the Senate will vote on Steve Mnuchin — nominee for Treasury Secretary. A former Goldman-Sachs banker and CEO for OneWest Bank, Mnuchin was known as the “foreclosure king,” making millions off predatory lending practices that led to foreclosures affecting 50,000 Americans. Making him Treasury Secretary, responsible for regulations that protect consumers, is like letting the fox guard the hen house.

Ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee Sen. Ron Wyden grilled Mnuchin repeatedly on his conflicts of interest and conflicting statements about tax cuts for the wealthy. Mnuchin still holds shares of Freddy Mae and Mac, and would profit handsomely for privatizing them – a move he has suggested.


Sample script:

“My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon. I want to THANK Senator Merkley / Wyden for aggressively challenging Steve Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary during his Senate Confirmation hearings. I fully support the NO vote Senator Merkley / Wyden will cast tonight. I would urge Senator Merkley / Wyden today to continue to draw attention to Mnuchin’s role in 50,000 home foreclosures while at OneWest Bank, and his continued stake in Freddy Mae and Mac, a clear conflict of interest.”



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Reminder: We will be meeting at 10 S. Oakdale in Medford tomorrow, February 14 at noon. Those interested in carpooling from Ashland, please meet at the mailboxes by Shop n’ Cart, 2268 Ashland Street at 10:30 a.m. Spread the word and join us as we show our Valentine’s Day gratitude to Senator Jeff Merkley and Senator Ron Wyden.