How deep does Trump’s “Russiagate” go?

National Security Adviser Flynn’s resignation is likely the tip of the iceberg.  Since then, new reports have emerged about repeated contacts between Trump aides and Russia in 2016.  This strikes at the heart of our democracy and merits an unbiased, comprehensive, and ongoing inquiry.

Given the severity of the charges, Senator Chuck Schumer urged the creation of two independent investigations: one by Congress and the other by the executive branch.   Yet, Republicans continue to resist the idea that Trump’s relationship with Russia merits inquiry.

Our senators are pushing for both of these investigations.  Senator Wyden has fought for open hearings, and the Senate Intelligence Committee (of which he is a ranking member) is moving forward with a full investigation.   Meanwhile, Senator Merkley and others have formally asked that the Justice Department launch a Watergate-style investigation.  Since the Attorney General answers to Trump, he MUST appoint a Special Counsel to guarantee an impartial probe. This would ensure that any new evidence of wrongdoing or unethical behavior will come to light.

We must let our Members of Congress know that we’re watching closely and this issue is top priority.  The future of our democracy — and our role in the free world — demands nothing less.


Sample script:
“My name is [—] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon. I am concerned about how deep Trump’s “Russiagate” really goes. I fully support the call for Jeff Sessions to appoint an independent special counsel to lead a thorough, impartial, and ongoing investigation into this and other potential Trump violations of law and ethics.  I’m asking that the results of this investigation be made public.”


Sample script:
“My name is [—] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon. I am concerned about how deep Trump’s “Russiagate” really goes. This could be the biggest threat to our democracy since Watergate. I call on Representative Walden to pressure Jeff Sessions to appoint an independent Special Counsel to lead a thorough, impartial, and ONGOING  investigation into this and other potential Trump violations of law and ethics.”


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