UPDATE: Alan DeBoer Town Hall, Medford

UPDATE!   A Better Oregon is holding holding Health Care focused A Better Oregon has cancelled their Ashland event due to the scheduling of Alan DeBoer Town Hall meetings this month in Oregon. including one in Ashland on Wednesday, July 26th. NEW VENUES:   Medford: Tuesday, July 25th from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at RCC/SOU Higher Education Center (Multipurpose Room, […]

FLASH HEALTH CARE RALLY AND CELEBRATION! Saturday, July 29, 2017 Ashland Plaza

11:00 a.m. - Noon this Saturday, July 29 will be our time to gather at the Plaza in Ashland to CELEBRATE and to REINFORCE OUR INDIVISIBLE MESSAGE! Bring your signs, pictures, art work, stories, families, friends and neighbors.  We will send our collective message that the ongoing shenanigans and outright attacks on our health care and […]