Eastern Oregon University
One University Blvd., La Grande, OR, United States
Senator Wyden pledges open-to-all town meetings in each county in Oregon each year he serves in the Senate. Wyden has held 966 meetings where he refrains from speeches, listens to the concerns of Oregonians, and answers questions. Take advantage of this opportunity to share your thoughts, concerns and hopes with Senator Wyden. Senator Wyden's Union […]
Evergreen Ballroom
6088 Crater Lake Avenue, Central Point, OR, United States
Flash Mob Dance Rehearsals! Join us in solidarity as we express ourselves through dance about the pervasive abuse of women and girls around the globe. The Flash Mob Dance, done by groups around the world, is part of the ONE BILLION RISING, the biggest mass action to end violence against women in human history. The […]
Veterans Memorial Hall
120 S. Main St., Condon, OR, United States
Senator Wyden pledges open-to-all town meetings in each county in Oregon each year he serves in the Senate. Wyden has held 966 meetings where he refrains from speeches, listens to the concerns of Oregonians, and answers questions. Take advantage of this opportunity to share your thoughts, concerns and hopes with Senator Wyden. Senator Wyden's Gilliam […]
4 Daughters Irish Pub
126 W Main Street, Medford, OR, United States
Come watch the debate with us! CNN and Univision will host the 11th Democratic presidential candidates debate in Arizona, just days before voters head to the polls in the southwestern state. Watch the debate with us at 4 Daughters Irish Pub, 126 W Main Street in Medford. The Democratic National Committee, in partnership with CHC […]
Talent Public Library
101 Home Street, Talent, OR, United States
Come join us on Monday, March 16 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. at the Talent Library, 101 Home Street in Talent. The purpose of this special meeting is to describe in detail the ORD2 Indivisible Voter Issues Project (VIP). And since we’ll be meeting at “dinner time,” pizza will be provided! We need a headcount […]
Medford Public Library
205 S Central Ave, Medford, OR, United States
Calling all people of color interested in having a discussion about local environmental justice issues that impact our lives! Join the discussion by attending a Meet and Chat at the Medford Public Library on Tuesday, March 17 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. LOCAL is a collaborative between ÚNETE, Beyond Toxics and the NAACP Eugene chapter […]
Medford Armory
1701 S Pacific Highway, Medford, United States
SUFFRAGIST CENTENNIAL: Vote Like Your Rights Depend On It! The 2020 Women's March Southern Oregon will be held this year on Sunday, March 29, moving the march to Women's History Month on this landmark 100 year anniversary of the women's suffragist movement. The march will begin and end at the Medford Armory, followed by a […]
Please join us on Friday, April 10 for our first ORD2 Indivisible Virtual Happy Hour! All you have to do is, a little before 7 p.m., pour yourself a glass of something, pull out your laptop, phone or tablet and click on the following link: https://indivisible.zoom.us/meeting/register/uJIlc-iorjIqYxuF2DqSoMZngkyh2Cz2Aw Your device should automatically download the app or go […]
JOIN US FOR OUR FIRST VIRTUAL ORD2 INDIVISIBLE GENERAL MEETING! ORD2 Indivisible is dedicated to keeping in touch with people throughout our congressional district. Please plan to join us from the comfort and safety of your homes on Monday, April 13 from 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. for our Zoom meeting. You may pre-register or simply […]
Health care experts and activists will discuss how our county is dealing with the issues of addiction, mental health and houselessness from a public health perspective. What programs are working and could be expanded? What programs are finding success in neighboring counties? With a bond measure for funding a larger jail on the ballot in […]