Resist Trump Tuesday Rally

Federal Courthouse 310 W 6th Street, Medford, OR, United States

Rep. Greg Walden has sided with corporate donors over his constituents and has consistently been on the wrong side of every important issue. Now he is spearheading the ACA repeal with absolutely no viable replacement plan. Walden and the GOP need to hear us loud and clear: “Hands off our ACA, Medicaid and Medicare!” When: […]

Resist Trump Tuesday “Feel the Love” Rally

Oakdale 10 S Oakdale Ave, Medford, OR, United States

This Valentines Day, ORD2 Indivisible will be showing our love and appreciation for our 2 great reps, Senator Jeff Merkley and Senator Ron Wyden! Bring Valentines cards expressing your continued love and gratitude (no envelopes) for either or both senators, we will collect them at noon and march them to their Medford offices after a […]

Resist Trump Tuesday: Where’s Walden?

Old County Courthouse 10 S Oakdale Ave, Medford, OR, United States

Greg Walden continues to avoid scheduling town hall meetings in the Rogue Valley. Our march this Tuesday will include heartfelt invitations for him to meet with us in the spirit of open democracy.