Keep Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Agenda Out of Oregon!
Stop IP 22!
Three state legislators have filed a potential ballot measure, Initiative Petition 22 (IP 22) with the aim of repealing Oregon’s 30-year-old sanctuary law, to add further distress to already terrified immigrant communities. The backers will need to gather 88,184 valid signatures over the next 12 months to get the anti-sanctuary measure on the November 2018 ballot.,
We must not stand by and let the anti-immigrant fear-mongering of IP 22 succeed!
Here’s what’s at stake:
Public Safety –– Oregon’s common-sense sanctuary law (, like similar laws in 39 cities and 364 counties across the US, separates local law enforcement from federal immigration enforcement, ensuring that our local officers won’t be used to actively search for and arrest people whose only violation is that they are undocumented. It does not prevent local authorities from arresting anyone suspected of criminal activity.
Public safety experts say such sanctuary laws keep our communities safer. The Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) has opposed local officers enforcing federal immigration law because it “undermines the trust and cooperation with immigrant communities which are essential elements of community oriented policing.”
Our Children’s Mental Health –– Measures such as IP 22 have the effect of tearing families apart. Since Donald Trump’s election, we have already seen a growing level of anxiety among immigrant school children, many of whom were born in America, fearful that upon returning home from school or the library, one or both of their parents will be gone.
Oregon Values –– Oregonians believe in neighbors helping neighbors. We believe in communities of trust and friendship, where everyone is welcome, and everyone is free to build a better life for their families.
Defend Oregon Values!
Reject IP 22
Before It Makes the Ballot!
**ACTION 1: Learn More About the Issue**
Read the June 25, 2017 Guest Opinion in The Oregonian by Doug Moore, Executive Director of the Oregon League of Conservation Voters and Erica Stock, Director of the Oregon Chapter of the Sierra Club. Anti-immigrant ballot measures have no place in Oregon.
Read the Mar 30, 2017 Mail Tribune Editorial Our View: ‘Sanctuary’ law is less than it appears.
Read the text of the petition on Oregon Secretary of State’s website.
(Type “22” in the keyword search field)
**ACTION 2: Commit to “Keep Oregon a Welcoming State”**
Visit the Action Network’s One Oregon’s site to learn more and to pledge to stand with Oregon’s communities of color, immigrants, refugees, women, LGBTQ people, and other marginalized communities in the face of fear and hate. Together, we can create an Oregon we can all believe in.
**ACTION 3: Find Out How Else You Can Help**
These progressive organizations are among those fighting IP 22. Find out what you can do to help:
Oregon AFL-CIO
Oregon Environmental Council
True Facts Oregon