Tuesday Rally – June 13, 2017

JUNE 13, 2017

Who: Oregon District 2 Indivisible

What: Second Tuesday-Of-The-Month Rally

When: Tuesday, June 13, 2017 Beginning at Noon

Where: 10 S. Oakdale, Medford


Join us as we gather for our next rally! Our themes are Defending the Affordable Care Act and Obstruction of Justice.

Scheduled speakers include:
MC: Jessica Sage
Cardiologist Dr. Jun-Yang Lou, MD, PhD
Jeff Golden, political activist, radio and television personality, author

Following the speeches we will march to Senator Ron Wyden’s office and then to Senator Jeff Merkley’s office.

Our Resist the Trump Agenda actions are more vital with each passing day.

Steps are being taken behind closed doors in the U.S. Senate to repeal the ACA. This is a clear departure from the regular order of the legislative process and an outrage!

Trump knew the FBI was investigating his associates, tried to stop those investigations and then fired the person who wouldn’t stop. This appears to be obstruction of justice, a federal crime and an impeachable offense.

If possible, PLEASE JOIN US as we collectively raise our voices in opposition to the destructive actions and proposals of the Executive and Legislative branches of OUR government.  We ARE DEDICATED to taking action and to making a difference!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017, noon to 1:30 p.m. Meet at the Old County Courthouse, 10 S Oakdale, Medford.

Those interested in carpooling from Ashland, please meet at the mailboxes by Shop n’ Kart, 2268 Ashland Street at 11:00 a.m.