SC Action Items: 2017-03-08
Action Item: Check with the City of Ashland on the availability of Lithia Park for the weekends in June for a possible ORD2 Indivisible event.
Action Item: Identify a venue in the north end of the Rogue Valley for an upcoming introductory meeting.
Action Item: Determine the viability of having a booth at Ashland July 4 event.
Action item: Check on the cost of using a sign board in Medford to run various notifications.
Action Item: Explore options regarding receiving donations at the Rogue Valley Climate Bash event in Ashland on March 17.
Action Item: Seek additional volunteers to conduct research regarding local issues.
Action Item: Submit articles for inclusion in the “In the News” section of the ORD2 Indivisible website.
Action Item: Begin the definition and development of a “Political Strategy” team.
Action Item: Steering Committee Liaisons will continue providing feedback from the Steering Committee to specific teams.
Action Item: Select a Steering Committee member to function as liaison to the Outreach Team.