Write A Letter!

ORD2 Indivisible encourages everyone to voice their opinions to the local media. You can do this by writing a Letter to the Editor (LTE) or a longer Op-Ed or Guest Opinion. Here is how to get started.


  • What inspires or motivates you? Health Care? Climate Change? Public Lands? The treatment of Veterans? Be specific.
  • Narrow it down if you can. The best argument is a narrow one.
  • Pick something personal. How does this issue affect your family? Your job? Your future? Think about the story you have to tell.


  • Most newspapers limit LTEs to once a month.
  • The frequency of Op-Eds or Guest Opinions depends on the editor. Contact the editorial page editor of each newspaper before you submit.

Remember: Every newspaper has a word limit, some as low as 200 words. That will help you be concise and focus your comments.


  • Write a quick, one-sentence “mission statement:” My letter is about this. Post it next to your computer screen or tablet. Stick to it!
  • In true newspaper style, keep your sentences and your paragraphs short. Your letter may have complex ideas, but they should be told in simple sentences.
  • Think of the letter as having three parts:
    1. You need a “hook” — something to grab your reader’s attention. It should be a strong statement. Say why you are concerned, or what is bothering you, or exactly what you want your audience to know.
    2. Back up your statement with facts.
      • If you can include a personal story here, great!
      • Otherwise, support it with whatever facts you have.
      • Focus on one basic argument (maybe two). Make your point.
    3. Wrap up your letter with a direct ask. What do you want to happen?


  • Read what you’ve written out loud. A good letter will sound like you are talking to a neighbor over your kitchen table. Write like you speak. No need to get fancy.
  • Read it out loud to someone. Did they understand what you were trying to say? Did they follow your argument? Did you make them care?
  • Make sure these are your words. Editors don’t like it when you copy someone else.
  • Count your words. Don’t include the greeting or your name. How did you do? If you’re over, tighten it up. Otherwise, editors will do it for you and may change the meaning of your words.


ORD2 Indivisible has held occasional workshops on writing letters and Op-Eds. We also have writers who can attend your small group — neighborhood potluck? Book club? — and guide you through the process. ">Contact us by email.


The Internet is full of facts, but make sure your sources are reputable and your facts are real. For example, if you are writing about Congressman Cliff Bentz, these sites have lots of good information about his voting record, his donors and where he stands on the issues.

Voter Scorecards:


Issue Positions:

General Overview:


Always include your name, address, and telephone number so the editors can contact you if they wish to confirm you as the source. They will include your name, but not your contact information. Pick a newspaper where you live.

NOTE: Because of the changing nature of media, this list may not be up-to-date or complete. Thanks for your patience.


Rogue Valley Times: Check their website for details. The Rogue Valley Times covers all of Jackson County.

Ashland News: or submitted through the “Article Submission Form” link. Word limit unclear.

The Applegater: Limit for letters is 400 words, for opinion columns 700.

Rogue River Press: . Letters limit 300 words; 30-day frequency limit.

Rogue Valley Messenger: limit 250 words; published bi-weekly or via website

Rogue Valley Community Press: limit 400 words – more than that it becomes a guest column; published quarterly.

Upper Rogue Independent [serving Eagle Point, White City, Prospect, Trail, Butte Falls]: Limit unknown, suggest 200.


Grants Pass Daily Courier: limit 250 words; once per month. Note: This paper has expanded into Jackson County.


Baker City Herald: No limit identified.

Bend Bulletin: Letters 250 word limit, once per 30 days. Requires submissions to be original and only submitted to the Bend Bulletin. Ths may take a little reworking of the text to make it unique.

Burns Times Herald: No limit identified.

Columbia Community Connection: https://columbiacommunityconnection.com/letterstotheeditor – Word limit unknown

Columbia Gorge News: https://www.columbiagorgenews.com/site/forms/online_services/letter_editor/ – 350 word limit

East Oregonian (Pendleton/Hermiston): webpage submission Fewer than 400 words.

Klamath Falls News and Herald: Limit 250 words; frequency limit unknown but suspect monthly.

La Grande Observer: No limit identified.

Malheur Enterprise: – Word limit unknown.

If you have other newspapers to suggest for this list, please send an email to:


The Oregonian: limit 250 words – In My Opinion columns are limited to 500 words

Eugene Register Guard: Letters and opinion columns regarding state or regional issues: Jackman Wilson . Letter length limit is 250 words; all letters are subject to condensation. Writers are limited to one letter per calendar month. Guest viewpoints are between 600 and 800 words in length, with 700 being ideal.

The Salem Statesman Journal: webpage submission or Letters 200 words or fewer.


Let us know!

If you have any other questions or suggestions, please contact us — and thanks for being a voice for ORD2 Indivisible!