Concerned about climate change? Wondering what is happening at the local, state, and national level? Join us to celebrate the progress we made in 2016 and decide how you can make a difference in 2017!
The first Rogue Valley Climate Bash is hosted by Geos Institute, Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Rogue Climate, Southern Oregon Climate Action Now, and Southern Oregon chapter of Citizens Climate Lobby, and Oregon District 2 – Indivisible
Yes, the event is about climate change, but we want you to have fun! So we promise there will be no hockey stick graphs or science talks. But there WILL be beer, wine, and food from local restaurants, fun entertainment, a climate bingo game where you can win prizes, and a special message from Senator Merkley.
Peter Buckley will emcee the evening and we promise you’ll leave feeling inspired and energized.
Please RSVP if you can at www.roguevalleyclimatebash.org so we know how many to plan for!
Hope to see you there!